
March 2017 Top 10: Our Most Popular Posts

What follows are our 10 most popular articles for March 2017, recognizing that articles we published earlier in the month are more likely to make the list than later ones.

FedEx to Challenge Amazon for Ecommerce Fulfillment

1994. Ecommerce is in its infancy. A new company in Bellevue, Washington begins selling books online. Business analysts wonder if people will buy products online. Most people are skeptical. 2017. That company now sells 480 million products. Read Article…

For Affiliate Marketing Success, Know Your Affiliates

Finding the right affiliates to build an affiliate-marketing program means understanding their traffic sources before they are approved. Affiliates come in all shapes and sizes. Once a manager can identify an affiliate’s model of promotion, it’s easier to plan for success. Read Article…

SEO How-to, Part 7: Mapping Keywords to Content

When optimizing a large site for search engines, you need a plan of attack. Keyword mapping is the process by which you determine which keywords of the thousands identified in your keyword research will be assigned to each page for optimization. Read Article…

5 Content Marketing Ideas for April 2017

In April 2017, content marketers can find topics in the month’s well-known holidays, spring activities, and even poetry. Content marketing is the act of creating, publishing, and distributing content with the goal of attracting, engaging, and retaining customers. Read Article…

Build Your Content Marketing Stack

A content marketing stack is a collection of software tools and technologies gathered for the express purpose of helping a business use articles, graphics, podcasts, videos, or similar to attract and keep customers. At its core, content marketing relies on the principle of reciprocity and on building trust. Read Article…

How to Sell High-priced (and High-quality) Products

In the 1950s, most products were built to last. Companies knew that manufacturing long-lasting products would spread word-of-mouth referrals, which meant sales. The focus was on the lifespan of a product rather than high turnover. Read Article…

Pinterest: 7 Tips to Promote Your Ecommerce Business

Pinterest is a powerful social media channel for online retailers. It’s worth the time to build a good Pinterest profile, create active boards, and engage with some of the platform’s 150 million or so active users. Pinterest’s potential for retail ecommerce is not new. Read Article…

Google Analytics: Custom Reports, Shortcuts, Dashboards

Ecommerce merchants need easily accessible data to make quick decisions and drive more sales. But the data used by merchants differs based on their particular circumstance. They need data that is customized to their situation. Read Article…

SEO How-to, Part 6: Optimizing On-page Elements

The best keyword research will have zero impact on your site’s search engine rankings unless you actually use the research, to optimize. But where do the keywords go? What are the search engine optimization elements on a page that matter and how do you modify them in ways that will improve your natural search performance? Read Article…

‘Engagement on Facebook’ a New Custom Audience to Target

Facebook continues to develop and grow its online advertising platform. It has recently released a new way to define audiences that is based on interaction inside of Facebook. In this post, I’ll explore what options are now available, why you should try them, and how to put them to work in your advertising efforts. Read Article…

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