Online merchants should always be concerned with their users’ experience. One of the best ways to keep updated on user experience and user interface strategies is by listening to design-themed podcasts.
Here is a list of podcasts on designing for users. There are shows on UX, UI, and related topics. All of these feature leading practitioners.
What Is Wrong With UX
On the Users Know site, the “What Is Wrong With UX” podcast features Laura Klein and Kate Rutter as they discuss user design experience over cocktails. Laura Klein is the author of “Build Better Products” and “UX for Lean Startups.” Kate Rutter is a veteran entrepreneur, UX designer, and adjunct professor at California College of the Arts. Recent episodes include “Design for Now” and “An Amateur Could Do It.”
99% Invisible
Started as a project of KALW public radio and the American Institute of Architects in San Francisco, “99% Invisible” is a weekly exploration of the process and power of design and architecture. “99% Invisible” is hosted by Roman Mars, founding member of the podcast collective Radiotopia. The popular podcast now has over 250 million downloads. Recent episodes include “Andorsands &/or Irony Marks” and “The Age of the Algorithm.”
Google Design Podcast
“Google Design Podcast” is broken into two formats: Design Notes and Method. Method explores the career journeys of designers at Google. In the latest episode, Google UX Director August de los Reyes discusses how abstractions can help designers craft powerful experiences. Design Notes goes in-depth with designers working in diverse creative disciplines. In the latest episode, designer Ryan Snelson discusses inventing your own aesthetic and challenging industry norms.
“UXpod” is a free ranging set of discussions on matters of interest to people involved in user experience design, website design, and usability in general. Started in 2006, “UXpod” is hosted by Gerry Gaffney, who runs the UX consultancy Information & Design. Recent episodes include “Robots, AI and Ethics” and “Mean Time to ‘I Love You’ – Amir Shevat talks about Chatbots.”
O’Reilly Design Podcast
The “O’Reilly Design Podcast” explores how experience design and experience designers are shaping business, the internet of things, and other disciplines. Produced by tech publishing powerhouse O’Reilly Media, the show explores the ideas and constructs of experience design with pioneering designers. Shows include “Noah Iliinsky on design at Amazon” and “Randy Hunt on design at Etsy.”

“UXPodcast” is a twice-monthly digital design podcast. Co-hosted by designers James Royal-Lawson and Per Axbom — who have hundreds of consultancy projects between them — “UXPodcast” pushes the boundaries of traditional user experience. Recent shows include “Accessibility for Designers” and “Infused Design with Jared Spool.”
Hacking UI Podcast
“Hacking UI Podcast” is co-hosted by Sagi Shrieber and David Tintner — two designers, developers, entrepreneurs, and bloggers. The first season, “Scaling a Design Team,” speaks with design leaders from companies such as Facebook, Apple, and Invision to discuss team structures, responsibilities, and workflows. After quitting their day jobs to work full time on Hacking UI, Shrieber and Tintner launched the second season, “Scaling a Side Project.” The third season, “Scaling a Career,” is all about creative entrepreneurship. In the latest episode, they speak with Ran Segal, host of the YouTube channel “Flux,” on freelancing, value-based pricing, achieving your goals, and aiming higher.
The UX Blog Podcast

The UX Blog Podcast
“The UX Blog Podcast” is a resource on The UX Blog for user experience design, user research, and UX strategy. Podcast episodes include “UX Patterns To Improve Mobile E-Commerce”and “UX And Emerging Technologies.”
UI Breakfast
“UI Breakfast” features conversations about UI and UX design, products, marketing, and more. Guests include industry leaders with insights to apply to your business. Recent episodes include “Deciphering GDPR,” “Starting New Projects,” and “Managing Customer Feedback.”
Let’s Make Mistakes
“Let’s Make Mistakes” is a podcast about design, co-hosted by Mike Monteiro, Liam Campbell, and Steph Monette, veteran designers and software engineers at Mule Design and Microsoft. The show covers many design-related topics. In the latest episode, “Furries of the Programming World,” design pioneer Alan Cooper talks about his model trains and the history and future of technology.