
On-page SEO

On-page search engine optimization is creating, presenting, and structuring content to appeal to Google and other search engines. Our coverage of on-page SEO addresses bounce rates, title tags, category pages, mobile devices, page speed, structured data markup, and more.

Illustration of the letters S E O next to gears
On-page SEO

‘Helpful Content’ per Google’s Latest Guidelines

Google’s core search algorithm includes a “helpful content” component, making its definition of the term critical.

Screenshot of Google' video explaining the human raters' guidelines
On-page SEO

‘Your Money or Your Life,’ Defined by Google

Illustration of a magnifying glass over a laptop
On-page SEO

Google’s Site Reputation Abuse Policy, Explained

Word cloud around the term "content"
On-page SEO

Content Optimization Checklist for SEO

Illustration of an SEO concept showing a magnifying glass over a web page
On-page SEO

SEO for Product Category Pages in 7 Steps

Photo of a tablet showing an ecommerce "shop now" page
On-page SEO

Product Page SEO: 5 Content Tactics

Photo of an office setting with a whiteboard reading "Programmatic SEO."
On-page SEO

Programmatic SEO for Ecommerce, AI-Driven

Google logo on a smartphone screen
On-page SEO

How to Audit Content for Better SEO

Illustration of SEO concepts on a laptop screen
On-page SEO

ChatGPT vs. Gemini for SEO Tasks

Spam word cloud
On-page SEO

Google Spam Policies, Explained

Google search logo on screen through a magnifying glass
On-page SEO

Helpful Content Recovery, per Studies

Google logo behind a magnifying glass
On-page SEO

How to Recover from Google’s Helpful Content Update

Illustration of a physical shopping cart next to a globe
On-page SEO

Cross-border SEO for Same-language Sites

A female looking at a computer during a video event
On-page SEO

SEO for Events

Two humans hands holding a sign, "Web Content."
On-page SEO

SEO and Old Content

Illustration using the word "Linking"
On-page SEO

SEO and Internal Anchor Text

Screenshot from mobile search results of steps for fixing a zipper
On-page SEO

HowTo Schema: Guidelines, Tools, Tips

Google logo on a tablet
On-page SEO

SEO: Canonical Tags Dos and Don’ts

Illustration of the letters S - E - O
On-page SEO

Readability for SEO: Myths and Reality

Illustration of a stamp reading "Out of Stock"
On-page SEO

SEO and Out-of-stock Product Pages

Illustration of the letters S - E - O
On-page SEO

How to Fix Orphan Pages for SEO

Illustration of a popup
On-page SEO

SEO and Interstitials

Illustration of a video player on a tablet
On-page SEO

7 Steps to On-site Video SEO

Screenshot of a Google search screen
On-page SEO

How Images Help Overall SEO

Illustration reading "Landing Page"
On-page SEO

5 Browser Extensions for On-page SEO

Shopify logo on a smartphone screen
On-page SEO

SEO: 4 Ways to Surface Shopify Pages

Image of the Microsoft logo on a building
On-page SEO

What Bounce Rates Mean for SEO

Image of a keyword with "Google" imposed on the return key
On-page SEO

SEO: How to Optimize Title Tags for Ecommerce