Editorial Policy

Practical Ecommerce insists on editorial integrity. We are members of the Society for Advancing Business Editing and WritingSABEW (SABEW) and adhere to its Codes of Ethics. We publish only original content from vetted experts who receive stipends for each piece. We carefully edit and fact-check all articles for accuracy, brevity, and readability — all to meet our mission of helping online merchants.

Most of our writers have contributed for years, some since our inception in 2005.

We never publish free posts, guest posts, unsolicited posts, ghost-written posts, PR speak, and similar. And we always work directly with writers, not intermediaries.

» Editorial Process

Our process for publishing articles is deliberate and disciplined.

  • First, we determine the total quantity of articles. That number is based on two elements: time and money. We spend much time reviewing, editing, and fact-checking all content. We’ll publish a piece only after it’s ready. And we pay all writers a stipend for each piece, which is the money part. At present, we publish roughly 40 articles each month.
  • Next, we select the topics to address within the 40-per-month threshold. That step is the most difficult given the dynamic nature of ecommerce. Some topics we address more frequently than others.
  • Finally, having determined the quantity and the topics, we’ll select the writers — proven subject matter experts who can meet a deadline.

We prefer long-term relationships with writers. Once we assign a topic, we’ll endeavor to build an audience around that person. We will not typically retain other writers for the same topic. Our writers decide what to address within their topic so long as it meets our mission of helping ecommerce merchants.

» Selecting Writers

We carefully vet all writers for experience, knowledge, integrity, and reliability. All are ecommerce subject matter experts, and all must agree to our editorial terms and conditions, which include:

  • No conflicts of interest, such as promoting a writer’s business, affiliated companies, or clients.
  • Original work based on direct knowledge, research, and experience.
  • Adherence to honesty and transparency.
  • Clear biographical overview with contact info.
  • Live discussions with the editor.

» No Advertising Influence

Practical Ecommerce accepts advertising. However, we maintain a rigid separation between advertising and editorial. Advertisers do not participate or otherwise influence editorial decisions in any regard. All ads are labeled “Ad,” “Advertisement,” or similar.

» Press Releases

We read ecommerce-focused press releases. Please send them to our “releases” email address.