Social Media

16 LinkedIn Groups for Entrepreneurs

LinkedIn is the world’s largest professional network, with an ecosystem of 2.4 million groups. For entrepreneurs, LinkedIn groups offer expert advice, shared experiences, and networking with peers.

Here is a list of LinkedIn groups for entrepreneurs and managers. There are groups to help businesses scale, make an impact, find mentors, tap resources, and get answers.

LinkedIn Groups for Entrepreneurs

Ecommerce Experts is a group to educate and inform members on ecommerce entrepreneurship and online marketing. It includes job postings, as ecommerce recruiter Harry Joiner moderates the group. Members: 159,000.

Home page of Ecommerce Experts LinkedIn group

Ecommerce Experts

Female Entrepreneur Association is for females to connect, share tips, swap services and support each other. The group is from the Female Entrepreneur Association, a platform to inspire and empower women. It shares weekly videos, inspirational stories, and a free monthly digital magazine called “This Girl Means Business.” Members: 12,000.

Linked Small Business Innovators is for members to share news, trends, expertise, and resources. Self-promotions are not allowed. Members: 50,000.

Digital Marketing is a huge discussion group covering all areas of digital marketing, including social media, search engines, email, public relations, advertising, and analytics. Get industry reports and whitepaper updates on trends and innovations. The group organizes networking events and conferences. Members: 2.1 million.

Home page of Digital Marketing LinkedIn group

Digital Marketing

Small Business Network by Entrepreneurs HQ is a group for individuals starting or growing a business. It covers all areas of the digital marketing landscape, including web design, strategy, search engine marketing, social media marketing, online PR, email list building, advertising, analytics, and more. Members: 314,000.

Young Entrepreneur Connections aims to benefit all young owners. Get information on marketing, SEO, funding, blogging, finance, recruiting, legal support, branding, and more. Any young professional can join the group and benefit from connecting with others. Members: 17,000.

Impact Entrepreneur is a network of thinkers who believe a sustainable and just world requires a new continuum for business. Join entrepreneurs, investors, scholars, and students of social and environmental innovation. Members: 35,000.

Entrepreneur & Small Business Forum is dedicated to impact, mindset, growth, and strategies. All posts require approval to ensure the content is relevant. There’s also a weekly podcast, “The Business Growth Architect Show,” exploring strategies from successful owners. Members: 58,000.

Home page of Entrepreneur & Small Business Forum LinkedIn group

Entrepreneur & Small Business Forum

Bright Ideas & Entrepreneurs ​​offers a community for entrepreneurs, small business owners, startups, angel investors, venture capitalists, and other like-minded individuals. Members share creative thoughts, ideas, and failures. Members: 23,000.

Startup and Entrepreneurs Network is for startup entrepreneurs. Members can send funding proposals through The product must be finished, with revenue and downloads. Members: 78,000.

Small Business Marketing Advice is a group for small business owners and marketing professionals that work with those owners. Share small business marketing tips, strategies, and questions. Members: 6,000.

Social Entrepreneur Empowerment Network is for socially conscious entrepreneurs looking to transform the world’s most pressing problems with purpose-driven, profitable businesses of their own. The group was started by Ryan Eliason, founder of Visionary Business School. Members: 20,000.

Home page of Social Entrepreneur Empowerment Network LinkedIn group

Social Entrepreneur Empowerment Network

Startup Specialists Network Group is one of the largest groups for startups on LinkedIn. This moderated group is for startups, investors, mentors, entrepreneurs, women founders, VCs, recruiters, and small business owners — anyone looking to scale a business. Members: 986,000.

Band of Entrepreneurs is a non-profit organization to facilitate the development of the entrepreneurial and startup ecosystem. It seeks to support registered members through legal help, human resources, PR, finance, and technology. Members: 34,000.

Start-Up Phase Forum is for entrepreneurs and small business owners to share support and info on marketing, SEO, funding, finance, recruiting, branding, and more. Members: 30,000.

On Startups is moderated by, a resource for entrepreneurs launched in 2007 by Dharmesh Shah, co-founder and chief technical officer of HubSpot. This group aims to enable people from the tech startup ecosystem to connect and share useful and relevant content. Members: 974,000.

Home page of On Startups LinkedIn group

On Startups

Sig Ueland
Sig Ueland