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Booklist: Invodo CEO Craig Wax

In “Booklist” we ask Internet professionals

Craig Wax

Craig Wax

about the books and blogs they read, and why. For this list, we asked Craig Wax, CEO of Invodo, an ecommerce video company. Wax leads Invodo’s overall market strategy, product vision and investor relationships. His background includes being manager of North American operations for, the dating portal.

Wax’s suggested books and blogs are listed below.



Conscious Business

by Fred Kofman

“This book is all about focusing on doing business ‘the right way’. If you do, you’ll get the results you’re looking for almost every time. In the rare instance you don’t, you know you did everything possible and live to fight another day.”


by Larry Bossidy and Ram Charan

Execution is particularly relevant to me right now because execution is the main focus for the Invodo team. Most businesses fall short due to poor execution rather than poor strategy, and this book provides examples of how to get it done.”

Good to Great and Built to Last

by Jim Collins

“All leaders of early stage businesses aspire to build great companies, and these books analyze and explain the commonalities among successful companies.”

First, Break All the Rules and Now, Discover Your Strengths

by Marcus Buckingham, Curt Coffman, Donald Clifton

“A traditional theme of performance management is to identify areas where individuals are weak and coach them to become average. These books turn that approach upside down. Instead, find out what people are really good at and make sure they apply that talent as much as possible. It’s better to be great at one thing than average at many.”

How to Win Friends and Influence People

by Dale Carnegie

“To build a successful business, you need support from your team, prospects, customers, investors, and many others. And it all starts with communication. This classic book describes many techniques for successful communication and does it in an entertaining way.”


by Gregory David Roberts

“An incredible story across so many dimensions – – intrigue, adventure, philosophy. It’s hard to believe it’s based on a true story!”

A Prayer for Owen Meany

by John Irving

“It’s difficult to say why, but the story of the main character has always stayed with me. It’s incredibly well written, which is certainly one reason.”


Tech Crunch

“Great for staying on top of the latest technology scoop…”

Reel SEO

“Video drives organic search traffic and Invodo delivers video … enough said!”

Nic Murdock
Nic Murdock