Platforms & Apps

Calling All Carts for the Shopping Cart Roundup

Choosing the right online shopping cart is one of the most important decisions an ecommerce merchant will make. And carts are possibly the hottest topic we regularly explore here at Practical eCommerce. This has prompted us to develop a comprehensive guide of every known shopping cart offered on the Internet. If you own a cart or work for a cart company, we want to make sure your cart is listed in our guide.

“The ecommerce industry needs a definitive shopping cart list. No respectable vendor will want to be left out,” said PeC contributing editor, Armando Roggio.

Tell us about your cart

This is your chance to tell the world why your cart is worth considering. Is it hosted or licensed? What is the price range, lowest to highest? How can customers contact your sales team to sign up for your cart? Take a few moments to fill out our online survey, and PeC will make sure your cart is on our 2009 list. We urge all cart owners to fill out the survey today.

PEC Staff
PEC Staff