
Feb. 2013 Top 10: Our Most Popular Posts

Each month we compile a list of the ten most popular articles we published that month, based on the number of page views. Here are our ten most popular articles for February 2013, recognizing that articles we published earlier in the month are more likely to make the list than later ones.

SEO: Optimal Ecommerce URLs

Ecommerce platforms often determine URL structures that can affect the way a site is crawled by search engines. This posts looks at what makes a URL optimal and provides examples to improve a site’s URL structure.

Understanding User Experience vs. User Interface

The difference between user experience and user interface can be difficult to understand, but both are important when considering site design. This article looks at the difference between UX and UI and explains how the two can be utilized in the design process.

4 Mistakes that Cost Online Stores

Online stores have to consider many factors that affect customer behavior and conversions. Here are four mistakes to watch for on your online store.

13 Customer Service Mobile Apps

Customer support is an important part of a successful online store. This post offers 13 customer service mobile apps to keep you in touch with your customers without being chained to your desktop computer.

Email Marketing: 5 Ways to Generate Immediate Sales

Email is a powerful marketing tool for online merchants. In this piece, email marketing expert Carolyn Nye offers five ways to generate sales using email marketing.

15 Helpful Guides for Ecommerce Merchants

Online merchants are always looking for ways to improve their business — playing roles as marketers, content creators, social media experts, and entrepreneurs. Here are 15 resources for online learning in ecommerce.

10 Blog Topics for Online Retailers

Blog posts are a good way to build site rank and provide relevant content to potential customers. In this piece, contributing editor Paul Chaney offers 10 tips for coming up with blog topics.

10 Google Chrome Social Media Apps

Social media is a big part of online marketing today and managing multiple social media accounts can be difficult. Here are 10 Google Chrome social media apps to help manage social media marketing.

Selling on Facebook Easier for Smaller Merchants

Selling on Facebook has become popular with online merchants. This post looks at small businesses selling on Facebook.

10 Creative Contact Pages

Contact pages play an important role in connecting ecommerce merchants with their customers. This post showcases creative contact pages and gives tips on what to include on a contact page.

PEC Staff
PEC Staff