
June 2010 Top Ten: Our Most Popular Posts

Each month, we compile a list of the ten most popular Practical eCommerce articles and blogs based on the number of page views. Here are the ten most popular articles for June 2010.

Ten Great Ecommerce Ideas for June 2010

Our readers enjoy reading timely ideas and advice from other merchants, and each month our “Great Ecommerce Ideas” series lists ten helpful tips. June’s installment has ideas for using shipping as a profit center, testing multiple pages in pay-per-click advertising, basic website security, and other ecommerce topics.

Social Commerce Spotlight: Payvment, a Facebook Storefront Provider

“Social Commerce Spotlight” is an occasional series where we examine ecommerce platforms and applications that allow merchants to take advantage of the social media trend. This article covers Payvment, a popular Facebook shopping-cart application, and includes comments from Payvment’s CEO, Christian Taylor.

Ten Steps to Migrate Your Site to a New Ecommerce Platform

Migrating an ecommerce website to a new platform can be difficult, and this article addresses ten of the most important concerns. Merchants who are poised for a platform upgrade will be wise to read it and follow the advice written by a web development professional.

Interest in OSC Programs Up Sharply in June

Kerry Watson, a regular Practical eCommerce blogger, is an open source ecommerce (OSC) industry expert and consultant. Each year, she performs a Google search for the most popular OSC programs, and publishes the results in a report. Here she writes about the sudden upsurge of interest in OSC programs.

Copyright Trolls Threaten Your Ecommerce Business

“Copyright Troll” is a term that describes a company or individual that buys up the copyrights to works and then engages in a campaign to try to profit from possible infringement through intimidating demand letters. This article explains how copyright trolling works and how to protect your business from an unintended copyright violation.

Four Ways to Increase Conversion Rates

This article summarizes a recent Practical eCommerce webinar, “Growing Your Business: Boosting Online Conversion Rates.” The webinar’s panelists describe four distinct areas or ways merchants can encourage shoppers to complete their purchases.

Social Commerce: Shopping Carts Extend Reach Into Facebook, Other Social Sites

In part two of our series “Social Commerce Spotlight,” we cover three new apps created for social commerce. BigCommerce’s Social Shop lets users sell on Facebook, while Volusion’s Social Store Builder can integrate with both Facebook and MySpace. Lastly, 3DCart is just about to release a social commerce platform that will integrate with Facebook and Twitter.

HTML5: The Future of Online Video?

HTML5 allows merchants and developers to add videos to a website using a <video> tag, and it is currently the only supported video standard on iPhone, iPad, and Blackberry (via BOLT 2.1). These are just some of the reasons why HTML5 video is an important technology for ecommerce merchants to consider. But, is HTML5 video really ready for prime time?

In Social Media Era, Nine Techniques to Improve Conversion Rates

A store’s conversion rate plays a major role in determining how well that business is doing. Factor in social media, and the stakes climb even higher. Read these nine succinct tips from an ecommerce expert on how to improve online sales.

Kate Monteith
Kate Monteith