
Pay-per-click Ads Impact Google Checkout and PayPal

If you’re running an ecommerce store, you’ve probably heard of PayPal and Google Checkout. The following is a quick rundown of things you might not have known about the two.

Google Checkout

You can process 10 times your ad spend in Google AdWords for free. For example, if you’re spending about $3,000 per month in AdWords, you can process up to $30,000 in website sales with zero transaction fees.

If you hook up your AdWords account to your Google Checkout account, you will be eligible to display a badge on your pay-per-click ad. It really will make your ad stand out. See for yourself: type “toys” in See that Toys R Us ad with the Google Checckout logo?

Google Checkout offers almost seamless integration with some popular carts out there. Check out for more information.

You’re also able to accept payments via Google Checkout on the mobile version of your site. If your customers have existing credit card information stored in their Google account, they would be able to pay you just like on a normal computer. The transaction would take place via Google Checkout.


If you’re processing payments via PayPal, you might be eligible to display a PayPal logo in your Yahoo! Search Marketing ads. For example, try searching for “chocolate” on Do you see the FTD ad with the PayPal logo? The existence of this logo could positively impact the click-through-rate of that ad.

PayPal Mobile allows customers to pay via SMS (short mobile service, which is a form of texting between mobile phones). This could assist users to pay for your product just after seeing your banner or text ad.

Greg Laptevsky