
Welcome to the New Practical eCommerce

Practical eCommerce is changing, growing and improving.

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Our new website is bigger, more interactive and completely free. This follows from user recommendations and from dynamic changes in the media marketplace generally. Readers can now post comments to each article. Our new ecommerce glossary encourages submissions and comments from readers, who can also post entries to our ecommerce events calendar and ecommerce press releases. We’ve added new ecommerce-related blogs, a store to purchase back issues (in print or as a digital download) and enhanced RSS feeds.

Our new enewsletter, EcommerceNotes, will publish twice-weekly. Our podcasts, which are popular at both iTunes and at our own website, will continue to grow, as will our online community forum.

We’ve redesigned our printed magazine, which will shift to a bi-monthly (six times per year) schedule. Each printed issue will have more features, more departments and more useful, down-to-earth content. We continue to believe there’s a place for a printed magazine in the Age of the Internet, but we also know it must be crisp, relevant and engaging to our readers. We believe our new design and content accomplishes this task.

Since launching Practical eCommerce in July 2005, we’ve not wavered from our mission of helping owners of small- to mid-size businesses improve their online operations. We’ve attracted readers from, literally, around the globe, and we are grateful to all of you for your feedback and support.

Thank you.

Kerry Murdock

Kerry Murdock
Kerry Murdock