Alexa skills are voice apps that enhance Alexa-driven devices. With the right skills enabled, Alexa can help merchants tracks sales, get industry-related news and tips, monitor communications, organize tasks, and much more. There are over 25,000 skills in the U.S. alone.
Here is a list of useful skills for merchants from the Amazon skills library. There are skills related to ecommerce management, as well as general business skills to increase productivity. All of these skills are free.
Skills for Merchants
Amazon Seller Central. If you sell on Amazon, check in with Alexa anytime for a quick update on the status of your business. Stay informed on important details about your sales, buyer messages, and more. Learn how your campaigns are performing. Ask Alexa for your current account balance, message summary, and when you can expect your next payment from Amazon.

Alexa skill for Amazon Seller Central.
Shopify. Use the Shopify skill to ask your Alexa-enabled device for important information about your store, such as orders, inventory, and performance summaries. Get a list of products that need to be fulfilled, a summary of your best selling products, an average value of your orders over time, and a breakdown of your store visitors.
3dcart. With this skill, 3rdcart merchants can access their online store data from Alexa. Get revenue numbers daily, or get yearly totals.
Starfish Woo Reports. With the Starfish Reports’ skill, get information from your WooCommerce store. Ask your Amazon Echo or other Alexa device for sales, order, and performance information.
Analytics Assistant. Analytics Assistant is a skill to pull the key revenue and traffic insights from Google Analytics. Get revenue and traffic data for specific days, weeks, months, and other date ranges, as well as year-over-year revenue and traffic comparisons.

Alexa skill for Analytics Assistant.
eCommerce Minute. Use the eCommerce Minute skill to get quick updates from this industry podcast.
Web Analytics. With the Web Analytics skill, quickly get your website’s visitor traffic information from Google Analytics.
UPS. With the UPS skill, track your packages, find a UPS location, or get a shipping quote. Sync with your UPS My Choice account. Automatically track packages without having to say a tracking number.
Mail Haven Track Packages. For Mail Haven users, use this skill to get information on packages. Ask for the status of the last updated packages, the status of all undelivered packages, and more.
Notion. The Notion skill for Alexa lets you talk to your email. Connect your Gmail or Google apps email address or any other email address. Notion detects messages you need to respond to and conveniently pulls out questions. Get more info, clean your inbox, add security, and more. With the skill, your Alexa Shopping and To-do lists will be added to your account. Tasks immediately sync to your account on mobile, desktop, and tablet.
Welto. Welto is a personal financial adviser. Use this skill to track your income and expenses, pay bills on time by using the calendar functionality, and set goals. Welto advises on what can be done and how you can achieve it quickly. Aggregate all finances in one place and track your capital.
Quick Events. Quick Events allows you to add events to your primary Google Calendar. Quick Events can check for conflicts and ask for confirmation before adding your event. If you don’t provide all the scheduling information that Quick Events needs, Alexa will ask for it.
Chat Bot for Slack. After linking your Slack account, you can post to Slack using your Alexa device by simply saying the channel and message you want to post.
Marketing School. With the Marketing School skill, get unconventional marketing wisdom from marketing gurus Neil Patel and Eric Siu. Marketing School brings you 10 minutes of actionable marketing advice every day.
Harvard Business Review. This is the audio version of the Harvard Business Review email newsletter. Get quick, practical management advice to help you do your job better, delivered weekdays.
GaryVee 365. Use this skill for a series of daily motivational quotes, phrases, and sayings from Gary Vaynerchuk, C.E.O. and co-founder of VaynerMedia. Listen to Gary address hustle, self-awareness, self-esteem, empathy, optimism, gratitude, patience, legacy, culture, and more.
TED Talks. Looking for inspiration and insight? Use Alexa to play a TED talk. Play the latest TED talk, play random TED talks, or search for talks by topic or by speaker name.
Bank Helper. Bank Helper — “Sofia” — provides up-to-date information about the highest bank savings account and CD rates. She also answers general questions about savings accounts, investments, and more.
PayPal. With the PayPal skill, check your PayPal balance, and send or request money using nothing more than your voice.