Mobile is now the leading digital platform in the U.S., primarily due to the growth of mobile app usage. In its latest mobile app report, digital trend-tracking firm comScore lists the 25 most popular apps in the U.S.
According to comScore’s report, mobile app usage increased 52 percent from 2013. Total mobile activity (usage of mobile app and mobile browser) now accounts for approximately 60 percent of digital media time, as desktop accounts for the remaining 40 percent.
The rankings of the top apps is dominated by large digital media brands, such as Facebook and Google. Facebook has the top app, which commands a huge share of mobile app time spent. (In the 35 to 54 age group, Facebook has 18.4 percent; Pandora has the next largest share with only 4.1 percent.) Facebook’s apps rank number 1, 8, and 12. Google’s apps rank 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, and 16. Apple and Yahoo also have multiple apps in the top 25. Netflix is the top app requiring a subscription.
Here is a list of the 25 most popular apps in the U.S., compiled by tracking unique adult visitors during June 2014. By monitoring the growth of mobile commerce, and its emerging mobile platforms, digital merchants can gain a greater sense of where to focus their future marketing strategies.
Top U.S. Mobile Apps
Facebook. 115.4 million unique visitors. Facebook’s flagship mobile app lets you keep up with friends, share updates, get notified on likes and comments, and conduct group conversations.
YouTube. 83.4 million unique visitors. YouTube app lets you watch your favorite videos and playlists. Watch a video while searching for the next one, subscribe to channels, and share.
Google Play. 72.2 million unique visitors. The Google Play app lets you enjoy entertainment on the go. Read, listen, and watch anywhere you want — on your tablet, phone, or on the web at
Google Search. 70.2 million unique visitors. The Google Search app lets you search, ask questions, and hear answers. It gives you info you need, like updates on sports teams and traffic.
Pandora. 69 million unique visitors. Enjoy your Pandora music stations right from your mobile phone. Create new stations, and rate songs using thumbs up and thumbs down.
Google Maps. 64.5 million unique visitors. Google Maps app lets you get turn-by-turn GPS navigation to your destination, with estimated time based on live traffic info. Search and discover nearby places and offers.
Gmail. 60.3 million unique visitors. Access and search Gmail on your mobile device. Gmail syncs emails you’ve recently received, so you can read them even when you’re offline.
Instagram — 46.6 million unique visitors. Capture and share images and short videos on your mobile device. Customize with multiple filter effects. Share images, give and receive likes and comments.
Apple Maps. 42.1 million unique visitors. The Apple Maps app gives turn-by-turn spoken directions, interactive 3D views, real-time traffic info, and a Flyover feature.
Yahoo Finance. 42.1 million unique visitors. Yahoo Finance lets you follow the stocks you care about and get personalized news and alerts. Access real-time info to stay on top of the market.

Yahoo Finance on iPhone.
iTunes Radio/iCloud. 40.5 million unique visitors. An alternative to Pandora, iTunes Radio lets you create music stations based on your tastes or tune-in to genre stations. Use Siri to request songs.
Facebook Messenger. 39.2 million unique visitors. Send text messages, photos or videos to individuals or groups. Talk for free, and know when people have seen your messages.
Yahoo Weather Widget. 36.1 million unique visitors. Prepare for your day with hourly, 5-day, and 10-day forecasts. Flickr photos match your location, time of day, and current conditions.
Twitter. 34.7 million unique visitors. Access the Twitter experience on a mobile device. Get breaking news, send and receive messages and photos. Reply, retweet, favorite, and follow others.
The Weather Channel. 30 million unique visitors. The Weather Channel app offers the radar maps, local forecasts, and weather news. Get hourly, 36-hour and 10-day forecasts. Report your weather, and track your reports.

The Weather Channel for Android.
Google+. 28.8 million unique visitors. The Google+ app brings conversations to life. See your Stream, and share text, photos and video with your Circles. Features auto backup, party mode, and free video calls.
Netflix. 27.6 million unique visitors. This is the mobile app for Netflix, the leading subscription service for watching television episodes and movies.
Snapchat. 26.5 million unique visitors. Snapchat is a temporary communications app. Snap a photo or video, add a caption, then send. After it’s viewed, the message disappears.
Amazon Mobile. 26.5 million unique visitors. Amazon Mobile app lets you shop wherever you go. Get product details, read reviews, scan barcodes, and complete a purchase from your mobile device.
Pinterest. 24.6 million unique visitors. Pinterest mobile app gives you access to the pinning platform. Pin visual bookmarks to plan projects, save ideas, and collect and organize images.
eBay. 22.2 million unique visitors. The eBay app gives access to its marketplace. Manage eBay activity on the go. Sell on eBay, get notifications, compare prices with barcode scanning, and even search locally.
Skype. 18.8 million unique visitors. Skype’s mobile app gives you free messaging, voice or video calls. Send photos without worrying about email size limits. Record video messages, then share with others.
Shazam. 18.4 million unique visitors. Shazam lets you identify music and TV. Get the name of any song, or more about what you’re watching. Check out trending sounds, and receive new content daily.
Yahoo Mail. 17.6 million unique visitors. The Yahoo Mail app lets you manage your mail with 1TB of free space. Get email alerts, as well as news, scores, stocks and search.

Yahoo Mail on Android.
Kik Messenger. 17.2 million unique visitors. Kik is a social messaging app with a built-in browser. Talk, browse and share games, music, and more.