From curated wish lists to telling your company’s story, December 2017 offers content marketers many opportunities to connect with shoppers.
Content marketing is the act of creating, publishing, and distributing articles, podcasts, or videos with the goal of attracting, engaging, and retaining customers.
Done well, content marketing may help your business grow long term. What follows are five content marketing ideas your company can try in December 2017.
1. Curated Wish Lists
December is the holiday season home stretch. While there will certainly be a frenzy of shopping, at least some of your customers may have time to start musing about what they want for Christmas.
Scratch this itch with a series of curated wish lists related to your particular niche. In each wish list a well-known person tells your audience what they want this Christmas.
For example, if your online store sells skateboarding apparel, you might try to reach out to Rodney Mullen, Ryan Sheckler, or even Tony Hawk to ask them what they want this Christmas.
Similarly, if you sell women’s workout clothing, you could try to reach leading female CrossFit athletes — such as Kristin Holte, Samantha Briggs, Sara Sigmundsdottir, or Katrin Davidsdottir — for a comment.

Katrin Davidsdottir, shown here competing during Amanda .45, is the 2017 CrossFit women’s champion. Many fitness fans would be interested to know what’s on her holiday wish list. Image: CrossFit Games.
Some of these industry-specific celebrities may have endorsement agreements with your suppliers. Thus it could be easier than you think to contact them and ask for their holiday wish list.
2. Top 10 Listicles
Endings give us perspective. As 2017 comes to a close, your business will have an opportunity to look back on the year we’ve all just lived and look to the year to come.

Would it make sense for your business to publish a top 10 listicle related to the U.S. president?
Consider publishing your retrospective or predictive content in the form a top 10 listicle. Here are a few ideas.
- A kitchen supply retailer: “The 10 Best Meals of 2017”
- An online power tool store: “10 Construction Projects That Changed the World in 2017”
- A book shop: “10 Ways the Trump Administration Changed American Politics in 2017”
- A fishing supply business: “The 10 Best Catches: 2017’s Competitive Fishing Recap”
- Aftermarket auto parts store: “The 10 Best American Cars of 2017”
- Women’s fashion retailer: “Top 10 Dress Trends for 2018”
- Movie memorabilia dealer: “The 10 Most Anticipated Films of 2018”
3. Star Wars: The Last Jedi
Scheduled for release in the U.S. on December 15, 2017, Star Wars: The Last Jedi could, by some accounts, earn more than $215 million in ticket sales during its opening weekend, making it easily the most successful movie of the year.
Popular culture events, like the release of a new Star Wars movie, give your business the opportunity to comment on the event or how the event intersects with the industry segment you serve.
You can get inspiration from the media.
- Business Insider: “A breakdown of everything in the new ‘Star Wars: The Last Jedi’ trailer“
- Screen Rant: “Disney’s Outrageous Terms For Showing The Last Jedi“
For your Star Wars’ content, choose topics that make sense for the products your business sells.
Here’s a far out example. Imagine that you have an online Catholic bookstore. You might write about Skellig Michael, an island west of Ireland.
Some 32 seconds into the official The Last Jedi trailer we see the island, on which Luke Skywalker was discovered at the end of The Force Awakens, the previous Star Wars’ movie.

Skellig Michael is used in The Last Jedi, and provides an opportunity to relate the movie to products a store might sell.
That footage was shot on a remote Irish island called Skellig Michael or Great Skellig. For about 600 years — from the 6th century to the 12th century — the island was home to a monastery. Your Catholic bookstore could write about that monastery and its history or even muse about how the monastic lifestyle might make sense for Luke Skywalker.
4. Your First Video
If your business hasn’t yet made a video, December is the time.
Video marketing is one of the best ways to deliver how-to, instructional content, which is arguably the most successful form of content marketing.
Here are a couple of examples.
First, watch as Michael’s — a brick-and-click retailer — shows you how to make a bath bomb.
Next, check out this instructional video from magician Jay Sankey, who owns the Shopify-powered Sankey Magic store.
Now go make a video. Then share a link in the comments below.
5. Your Christmas Story
Often content marketing seeks to build a relationship between your business and your customers. You want to encourage loyalty and your customers want the benefits of having a trusted go-to store.
In December, open up a little and talk about your business. Share a favorite Christmas or holiday story from your founders or key employees.
Although this example is not specific to Christmas, take a look at Blue Buffalo’s story of how the founders launched a pet food company. How do you feel about the Blue Buffalo brand after watching this video?