Content Marketing

5 Content Marketing Ideas for June 2017

Ecommerce content marketers might focus on Father’s Day, summertime, recent graduates, celebrity birthdays, and even forgiveness to find inspiration for articles, videos, and podcasts in June 2017.

Content marketing is the act of creating, publishing, and promoting valuable content with the goal of attracting, engaging, and retaining customers. What follows are five content marketing ideas for June 2017.

1. Father’s Day: Sunday, June 18

American shoppers could spend as much as $15 billion on Father’s Day this year. Something like $3.5 billion will be used to buy dad dinner or lunch at his favorite restaurant. The remaining $11.5 billion or so will be used to buy clothing, electronics, gift cards, tools, grooming products, and similar.

Fathers play an important role in society, and they deserve a bit of attention in your content marketing. <em>Photo: Naassom Azevedo.</em>

Fathers play an important role in society, and they deserve a bit of attention in your content marketing. Photo: Naassom Azevedo.

Father’s Day is important for online retailers. Content for this holiday can take a few forms. Many businesses — perhaps too many — will publish gift guides. Others might post content about how to celebrate Father’s Day or related stories.

Here are a few example article titles.

  • “10 Tips to Make This the Best Father’s Day Ever”
  • “20 Ways Your Dad Made Your Life Better”
  • “Why the World Would End without Dads”
  • “16 Epic Father’s Day Ideas You Can Steal”
  • “The Evolution of What It Means to be Dad”
  • “10 Fathers Who Sacrificed Their Lives for Their Families”

2. Summer How-to Videos

Summer officially begins on Tuesday, June 20, this year. With the change in season comes a change in habit. Your customers will be doing different things and trying different activities. This means June is a good time to publish how-to articles intended to help your audience complete some seasonal task.

Suples Training Systems, as an example, makes functional fitness equipment. The company also publishes videos showing prospective buyers how to use their famous Bulgarian Bags.

Lowe’s, the big-box retailer, has already begun publishing summertime how-to videos. One of its most recent describes how to care for roses in the summer.

Post your own seasonal how-to video.

3. Graduation and Career Advice

One of the best times to create a relationship with a potential customer is when that customer is going through some kind of change. Change is an opportunity to create new habits. New habits generally mean new buying patterns, and new buying patterns are what retail content marketers are ultimately trying to create.

Graduating is a life-changing event and an opportunity to create new habits and new shopping patterns.

Graduating is a life-changing event and an opportunity to create new habits and new shopping patterns.

The end of May and early part of June is when high schools and colleges graduate students. These new graduates and their families will be looking for all sorts of advice about what to do next and how to do it. Ecommerce content marketers have an opportunity to help.

Here are a few possible examples.

  • Fashion retailer:  “What to Wear to Your First Interview”
  • Fitness retailer:  “10 Tips for Starting a New Career and Staying Fit”
  • Furniture retailer:  “How to Find a Great and Cheap Manhattan Apartment”

4. Forgiveness Day: Monday, June 26

Forgiveness is a human act, and one of content marketing's many benefits is that it humanizes your business.

Forgiveness is a human act, and one of content marketing’s many benefits is that it humanizes your business.

One of content marketing’s many benefits is that it can humanize a business and help to create a personal relationship with a shopper. Forgiveness is one of the greatest human behaviors. It is not out of scope to create articles, videos, or podcasts to remind your audience about forgiveness.

On or around Forgiveness Day, publish stories of forgiveness, especially as they relate to your industry.

5. Celebrity Birthdays

As was mentioned in the June 2014 edition of this list, June is one of the most popular months for births, almost always ranking in the top five for birthrate. Combine all of those babies with celebrities and you certainly have something to write about.

Marilyn Monroe is one of many celebrities born in June.

Marilyn Monroe is one of many celebrities born in June.

In June 2017, consider posting articles or fact sheets about celebrities on their birthdays. Try to use celebrities related to the industry your business serves. To help spark your creativity, here is a list of 30 celebrity birthdays in June.

  • June 1, 1926: Marilyn Monroe, actress
  • June 2, 1960: Kyle Petty, race car driver
  • June 3, 1906: Josephine Baker, dancer, singer, and activist
  • June 4, 1985: Bar Refaeli, model and actress
  • June 5, 1956: Kenny G, saxophonist
  • June 6, 1959: Dave Schultz, Olympic gold medalist
  • June 7, 1917: Dean Martin, actor, singer, and comedian
  • June 8, 1867: Frank Lloyd Wright, architect
  • June 9, 1915: Les Paul, guitarist
  • June 10, 1922: Judy Garland, actress and singer
  • June 11, 1956: Joe Montana, football player
  • June 12, 1930: Jim Nabors, actor and singer
  • June 13, 1903: Red Grange, football player
  • June 14, 1811: Harriet Beecher Stowe, author
  • June 15, 1954: James Belushi, actor and comedian
  • June 16, 1970: Phil Mickelson, golfer
  • June 17, 1980: Venus Williams, tennis player
  • June 18, 1942: Paul McCartney, singer and songwriter
  • June 19, 1623: Blaise Pascal, philosopher
  • June 20, 1909: Errol Flynn, actor
  • June 21, 1953: Benazir Bhutto, prime minister
  • June 22, 1903: John Dillinger, thief
  • June 23, 1911: David M. Ogilvy, advertising innovator
  • June 24, 1944: Jeff Beck, guitarist
  • June 25, 1852: Antoni Gaudi, architect
  • June 26, 1892: Pearl S. Buck, author and activist
  • June 27, 1949: Vera Wang, designer
  • June 28, 1577: Peter Paul Rubens, painter
  • June 29, 1941: Stokely Carmichael, activist
  • June 30, 1985: Michael Phelps, Olympic gold medalist
Armando Roggio
Armando Roggio