Each month we compile a list of the ten most popular articles we published that month, based on the number of page views. Here are our ten most popular articles for April 2013, recognizing that articles we published earlier in the month are more likely to make the list than later ones.
How to Choose Colors for your Ecommerce Site
Color plays an important role in the purchasing habits of online consumers. In this piece, Contributor Ezra Firestone examines how color psychology affects ecommerce.
25 Apps for Dropbox
Drop Box is a popular cloud based storage application with simple functionality. This post lists third-party applications — mostly free — that enhance Dropbox’s functionality.
SWOT Analysis for Ecommerce Companies
The SWOT analysis is a classic tool for examining a business. In this post, contributor Marcia Kaplan explains SWOT — strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats —and how that analyses can be used with ecommerce.
4 Key Ecommerce Metrics that Determine Success
Four basic metrics determine ecommerce success: understanding the lifetime value of a customer, monitoring customer satisfaction, measuring your sales funnel, and determining marketing return on investment. This piece explains these important key metrics.
How to Start Selling on the Amazon Marketplace
The Amazon Marketplace is one of the largest online marketplaces. In this piece, Contributing Editor Armando Roggio explains how to get started selling there.
Using Omni-channel Personalization for Ecommerce
Good personalization within ecommerce relies on information from many sources. This post from contributor Gagan Mehra explores using data from all customer interactions for omni-channel personalization.
4 Reasons Every Retailer Should Have a Mobile App
Mobile commerce is one of the fastest growing areas of retail, making mobile apps potentially important to online merchants. This piece provides four reasons why every retailer should have a mobile application.
The Importance of Ecommerce Strategy
Planning is an important, but occasionally overlooked, part of online selling. In this piece, Contributing Editor Dale Traxler explains the importance of having an ecommerce strategy.
10 Ideas for Facebook’s New Cover Images
Keeping up with policy changes on social media sites can be daunting. This post reviews recent change to Facebook’s cover photo policy and provides 10 ideas for taking advantage of the change.
Bitcoins: 3 Things Online Merchants Must Know
Bitcoin is a digital currency that has gained popularity. This piece explains the three things online merchants should know about Bitcoins.