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Booklist: Mercado CEO Corey Leibow

In Booklist, we ask ecommerce professionals to name books they are currently reading. For this list, we asked Corey Leibow, CEO and President of Mercado, an ecommerce search and merchandising provider for small-to-mid sized business.

Corey Leibow

Why We Buy: The Science of Shopping

By Paco Underhill

ECommerce is ultimately about understanding and servicing shoppers — not just about technology.

The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People

By Stephen Covey

One of my favorites. I reread it every year and give it to all my executives when they join Mercado

Chasing Cool: Standing Out in Today’s Cluttered Marketplace

By Noah Kemer and Gener Pressman

We are constantly looking for ways to stay innovative in our brand and approach to business. This book is a light read and very inspirational.

The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari: A Fable About Fulfilling Your Dreams Reaching Your Destiny

By Robin Sharma

For business executives, this is a must for keeping a balance in life and remaining spiritual despite the everyday demands of running a business.

The Long Tail: Why The Future of Business is Selling Less of More

By Chris Anderson

We excited as a company about the thousands of e-tailers driving the future of ecommerce as a great collective force. This book does a great job of explaining how smaller businesses are becoming more relevant.

Wikinomics: How Mass Collaboration Changes Everything

By Don Tapscott and Anthony D. Williams

The power of collective knowledge and content has changed the web and the world. I believe that the basic fundamental way in which people shop will also be impacted by mass collaboration. It’s going to be an exciting 2008 in this regard.

Branded Customer Service: The New Competitive Edge

By Janelle Barlow and Paul Stewart

This is a great book that is about much more than just service. It’s about how all employees are emissionaries of the corporate goals and values and each and every customer interaction needs to reflect core company values. 

Giving: How Each of Us Can Change World

By Bill Clinton

Less important than the reading of this book is the message it conveys. Our team works long, hard hours so philanthropy often falls off the list of priorities. I try to instill in the team a sense of how much impact even a single effort can have and encourage corporate participation in supporting good causes.

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