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Reading List: 1SaleADay CEO Ben Federman

Ben Federman

Ben Federman

In “Reading List,” we ask ecommerce professionals to name some of their recent books and blogs and tell us why they read them. In this installment, we corresponded with Ben Federman, CEO and founder of 1SaleADay, a daily-deal discount-shopping website.


Federman’s Top Four Books

”I Love You More Than My Dog”: Five Decisions That Drive Extreme Customer Loyalty in Good Times and Bad by Jeanne Bliss

I Love You More Than My Dog

I Love You More Than My Dog

“Simply put, [I read this book] because I rely on my customers and I want them to be happy and keep coming back every single day. I already know my dog loves me unconditionally; he is just wired that way. My customers are the ones that I don’t want biting me.”

Reinventing The Wheel by Chris Zane

Reinventing The Wheel

Reinventing The Wheel

“1SaleADay was a small company once too and I don’t ever want to forget that. I’m proud to say that I’ve created lifetime customers. They, in-turn, have provided me with a lifelong career. This book proves that if you provide exceptional care to your customer, you can’t go wrong.”

The Price Of Everything: Solving the Mystery of Why We Pay What We Do by Eduardo Porter

The Price of Everything

The Price of Everything

“Well, reading this one should have been obvious, as someone who has never sold or bought anything at a retail price. Actually, it’s a very fascinating and eye opening read and more of a testament to why my market is very necessary.”

Punk Marketing by Richard Laermer and Mark Simmons

Punk Marketing

Punk Marketing

“The guys who wrote this are very good at what they do. Because when I saw it on the shelf, the cover art just told me to buy it.”

Federman’s Top Five Blogs




“It’s got something for everyone. It’s an excellent compilation of what I like to keep in tune with — especially the “World” topic.”

Boing Boing



“Since I’m way too addicted to gadgets, the Technology and Gadgets sections in BoingBoing always feature something I want to go out and buy right away.”

Drudge Report

Drudge Report

Drudge Report

“Drudge always has it first; it gives Associated Press a real good run for their money.”

Internet Retailer

Internet Retailer

Internet Retailer

“This has been one of my new go-to blogs. Great write ups on what’s happening now in the social marketing space.”




“Totally user friendly look and feel, with terrific social integration for every page, which is great for a Facebook addict such as myself.”

PEC Staff
PEC Staff