6 Live Chat Practices to Drive Sales, Leads, Efficiency
September 23, 2019 • Shawn Arnold
Live chat can generate sales leads and drive conversions for B2B and B2C merchants. However, the real value comes from optimizing its use. In this post, I will share six practices that can improve the effectiveness and efficiency of your live chat program.
Getting B2B Sales Teams to Embrace Ecommerce
July 23, 2019 • Shawn Arnold
A sales team can determine success or failure for a B2B ecommerce program. Sales personnel have the influence and trust among customers to drive ecommerce adoption. In this post, I will share a 10-step approach for getting a B2B sales team to embrace ecommerce.
Live Chat Is Critical for B2B Ecommerce
May 22, 2019 • Shawn Arnold
Live chat is arguably more important for B2B sites than for B2C. The B2B purchasing process is typically complex. Buyers frequently have questions. Increasingly, they expect a live-chat function for real-time conversations. In this article, I will review the basics of building a successful live chat program.
Essential Guide to Ecommerce Punchout
March 22, 2019 • Shawn Arnold
B2B ecommerce merchants that facilitate punchout make the purchasing process easier for their customers. In this article, I will share my experience with punchout, including what it is, how it works, and how B2B merchants can deploy it for success.
How to Optimize B2B Landing Pages for New Leads
January 24, 2019 • Shawn Arnold
B2B products and services are often complex. Closing the sale frequently takes time, with multiple interactions. Landing pages can capture leads and start the conversation. In this post, I'll address eight ways to generate the most leads from B2B landing pages.
6 Ways to Improve Ecommerce Site Search
November 23, 2018 • Shawn Arnold
Site search is arguably the most important area when it comes to user experience. Buyers don’t have time to hunt for products. In this post, I'll offer a few practical action steps for improving site search on your ecommerce site — B2B and B2C.
A Simple Method for Tracking B2B Ecommerce Performance
September 21, 2018 • Shawn Arnold
Measuring B2B ecommerce performance should be straightforward. Too often, however, measuring means having a complex strategy with confusing key performance indicators aimed at presenting data just for its appearance. In this ...
4 Expectations of B2B Ecommerce Customers
July 26, 2018 • Shawn Arnold
It’s easy to fall into the trap of assuming that a compelling B2C experience will be sufficient for B2B users. For me, it took sitting face-to-face with 50 B2B customers and learning what really matters to them. In this post, I'll share what I discovered.