Shipping & Fulfillment

Charts: Shipping Priorities of Online Consumers

Shipping impacts consumers’ online purchasing decisions and overall satisfaction with the buying experience. Shoppers prioritize free delivery as the most important shipping factor, according to Statista’s September 2023 survey of 6,000 U.S. consumers.

The Statista survey also queried shipping preferences by gender. Female respondents were more likely to value free shipping (92%) than male respondents (85%). Similarly, 71% of female users prioritize easy return shipping versus 57% of males.

According to “Adapting to Inflation: Consumer Outlook on E-commerce,” Ryder’s September 2023 survey of 1,077 U.S. online shoppers, young shoppers are more willing to wait for online orders.

Moreover, among respondents to the Ryder survey, free shipping was the top factor (64%) in where they made an online purchase.

Adel Boukarroum
Adel Boukarroum