Social Media

20 Twitter Feeds for Online Merchants

With its many experts and evangelists, Twitter is a good place for an online merchant to get help growing a business. The challenge is figuring out whom to follow.

Here is a list of Twitter feeds for online merchants to find useful information on all aspects of ecommerce and entrepreneurship. There are experienced merchants, ecommerce platform advocates, experts in social media and search, ecommerce technology officers, researchers, and startup gurus.

Also be sure to follow us @PracticalEcomm, as well as the feeds of our own expert contributors like @ecommerceboy, @pamelahazelton, and @KunleTCampbell.

Twitter Feeds for Online Merchants

Linda Bustos @Roxyyo. Linda Bustos is director of ecommerce research at Elastic Path, an ecommerce platform. Bustos also writes the popular GetElastic blog. Prior to joining Elastic Path, she worked agency-side, specializing in usability and search engine optimization. Her tweets are helpful for anyone who wants to grow an ecommerce business.

Linda Bustos @Roxyyo.

Linda Bustos @Roxyyo.

Andrew Youderdian @youderian. Andrew Youderdian is founder of eCommerceFuel, a blog and forum site for established independent ecommerce merchants. After reading Tim Ferriss’ The Four-Hour Work Week, Youderdian quit an investment banking job to start his first ecommerce business selling CB radios. Several successful ventures later, he shares what he’s learned through his blog, podcast, and Twitter feed.

Tim Ferriss @tferriss. Author of The 4-Hour Workweek, Tim Ferriss is a resource for merchants to develop mental toughness and gain confidence to start new ventures. Host of The Tim Ferriss Show, he deconstructs pro performers from eclectic areas — investing, chess, sports — to find useful tools, tactics, and tricks for us all.

Richard Lazazzera @richardabls. Richard Lazazzera is an ecommerce entrepreneur and the founder of A Better Lemonade Stand, an online ecommerce incubator. It’s purpose is to inspire new entrepreneurs as well as to provide the tools and resources to build, launch and grow online businesses better, faster, and cheaper. His goal is to help create and cultivate 20,000 new entrepreneurs in 2015

Mark Hayes @allsop8184. Mark Hayes is director of communications at Shopify. He’s also the co-author of The Ultimate Guide to Dropshipping. He tweets posts from the Shopify blog, as well as content for entrepreneurs and emerging brands.

Mark Hayes @allsop8184.

Mark Hayes @allsop8184.

Tracey Wallace @TraceWall. Tracey Wallace is a writer and managing editor at Bigcommerce, an ecommerce platform. She writes and tweets extensively about small biz, startup culture, big data, data rights, Internet security, and women’s issues.

Terry Lin @itsmeterrylin. Terry Lin is co-host of the Build My Online Store blog and podcast, helping online merchants build stores and deliver experiences. He’s also the founder of His tweets cover entrepreneurial and ecommerce culture.

Steve Chou @mywifequit. Steve Chou and his wife Jennifer created to document their experiences and strategies starting their online store Chou’s tweets primarily offer links to useful topics for budding online entrepreneurs.

Amy Porterfield @AmyPorterfield. Amy Porterfield is a social media strategist and co-author of Facebook Marketing All-In-One for Dummies. A former content development director for Tony Robbins, she helps entrepreneurs establish strategies to monetize online marketing efforts, grow a social media fan base and email list, and boost profits. Her Twitter feed focuses on practical tools and resources for entrepreneurs.

Amy Porterfield @AmyPorterfield.

Amy Porterfield @AmyPorterfield.

Gary Vaynerchuck @garyvee. Gary Vaynerchuck hosts The #AskGaryVee Show, where he answers questions about marketing, social media, and entrepreneurship. Starting out growing his family’s wine business, he became a prolific angel investor and startup evangelist.

Danny Sullivan @dannysullivan. Danny Sullivan is a founding editor of Search Engine Land. He writes about all things all things digital marketing and search marketing. Get useful insights on SEO, search engine marketing, Google, and social networks, as well as what’s happening, such as his recent coverage of VidCon.

Zia Wigder @zdwigder. Zia Wigder is a research director at Forrester and is focused on global ecommerce and international digital trends. Her Twitter feed is a good resource for big-picture macro information on global ecommerce and insights on emerging international trends.

Ben Parr @benparr. Ben Parr is a co-founder of a venture capital fund that coaches early-stage startups on how to capture attention and accelerate growth. He is the author of Captivology: The Science of Capturing People’s Attention. Previously Parr was the co-editor and editor-at-large of Mashable and a columnist for CNET.

Ben Parr @benparr.

Ben Parr @benparr.

Ann Handley @MarketingProfs. Ann Handley is the chief content officer at Marketing Profs, which provides marketing training, best practices, research, and other content. Handley is author of The Wall Street Journal bestseller Everybody Writes. She is waging a war on mediocrity in content. Handley’s tweets are ideal for merchants in need of better content.

Rand Fishkin @randfish. Rand Fishkin is founder and former CEO of Moz, co-author of multiple books on SEO, and co-founder of He tweets 30 to 40 times per week about marketing, SEO, technology, and startups.

Kim Garst @kimgarst. Kim Garst is the author of Will The Real You Please Stand Up and founder of Boom Social, a social media marketing firm to help small businesses, entrepreneurs, marketers, and managers. Her Twitter feed offers merchants plenty of ways to amplify and monetize social media efforts.

Drew Sanocki @drewsanocki. Drew Sanocki writes a blog about digital marketing for ecommerce retailers, from his own experience of launching and selling He focuses on workable growth hacks for ecommerce executives, as well as everything online retail, from customer segmentation to SEO.

Drew Sanocki @drewsanocki.

Drew Sanocki @drewsanocki.

Evan Carmichael @EvanCarmichael. Evan Carmichael believes in entrepreneurs. At 19, he built and sold a biotech software company. At 22, he was helping companies raise $500,000 to $15 million in funding. Now he has a website to help entrepreneurs – he’s aiming to help 1 billion of them. His tweets will help merchants energize with tools for success.

Fred Wilson @fredwilson. Fred Wilson is a venture capitalist. He’s been one since 1986 and has been writing the AVC blog since 2003. His Twitter feed is filled with the zeitgeist of entrepreneurial culture, as well as his own thoughts on backing businesses and living in New York City.

Werner Vogels @Werner. Werner Vogels is the chief technology officer and vice president of Amazon. He is in charge of driving technology innovation for the ecommerce behemoth. Learn what Amazon’s up to.

Werner Vogels @Werner.

Werner Vogels @Werner.

Sig Ueland
Sig Ueland