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Booklist: Founder Scott Dunlap

Scott Dunlap

Scott Dunlap

Booklist is an occasional feature in which we ask ecommerce personalities about the books they read, and why. For this list, we asked Scott Dunlap, founder of ecommerce
technology developer NearbyNow.

As CEO of the Mountain View, Calif. company, Dunlap has more than 15 years experience in developing new Internet technologies to strengthen retailer connections with customers. Dunlap founded NearbyNow to simplify shopping for consumers who browse online but buy in physical stores.

High Output Management

By Andy Grove

“Awesome primer on how to focus a business on the right strategic goals. It’s also a great way to get a new management team on the same page. I use this book so much I have to buy additional copies every couple of years.”

Why We Buy

By Paco Underhill

“A fascinating look into the reasons people buy things and how they do it.”

Leadership Jazz

By Max DePree

“Explores the parallels between leadership and jazz music. Describes how to inspire your team, and create an environment of innovation, renewal, and vitality. A great tome for musicians in leadership positions.”

Snow Crash

By Neal Stephenson

“A fictional tale of the not-so-distant future that is eerie and magical in its ability to create a future just outside of our reach. If I’m ever stumped for big ideas, I can read the first 40 pages and my head will be spinning with new ideas.”

PEC Staff
PEC Staff