
Take the Survey and Predict the Future of eCommerce

What do you think will happen in ecommerce over the next five years? A Practical eCommerce survey asks if big box stores such as Walmart will overtake small-to-mid-sized online retailers. Do you believe leading brands will eventually dominate the web? And, which technologies do you think could revolutionize ecommerce?

Practical eCommerce is conducting an online survey to gather predictions from Internet merchants about current trends in ecommerce, and we value your opinion. Take a minute to answer five questions about the future of e-business and you could win a $25 Amazon gift certificate.

“It is extremely interesting to read survey responses,” says Armando Roggio, Practical eCommerce contributing editor. “We are often surprised and always enlightened by the comments and opinions of the respondents.”

Results of the survey will be published by Practical eCommerce in June.

To take the survey click here.

PEC Staff
PEC Staff