David Rothwell

David Rothwell

David Rothwell is the Google Ads Money Expert and has 13 years digital sales experience with Google AdWords, Google Merchant Center, and Google Shopping. He is the author of “The AdWords Bible for eCommerce” and “Fully Booked: How to Sell Your Service and Turn Time into Money.”

David’s worldwide clients make money on a commission-only “share of the profits created” basis, not the typical agency model of a percentage of ad spend. This game-changing profit-center strategy means everyone wins — customers, suppliers, payment processors, shipping companies.

David’s attitude is different from other agencies. He counts transactions and money instead of clicks or leads. His unique engineering approach stems from over 20 years in the IT industry, including Olivetti and Hewlett-Packard, and managing European IT, Telecoms, and Support for KLA-Tencor Corporation.

David has been a Certified Google Partner since 2005. He has spoken at conferences for Perry Marshall, Ken McCarthy, PPC Hero, and TeCOMM — in Maui, London, New York, Chicago, and Bucharest. He is referenced in Marshall P. (2014) "Ultimate Guide to Google AdWords" (Entrepreneur Press) and Jacobson H. (2012) "AdWords for Dummies" (John Wiley and Sons Inc.).

Connect with David on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, LinkedIn, his website, or via email.