Content Marketing

ChatGPT Prompts for Content Ideas

ChatGPT is a helpful brainstorming tool. Ask ChatGPT for content ideas, finetune the follow-ups, and you’ll likely end up with meaningful suggestions.

Here are six of my favorite content-idea prompts.

ChatGPT Prompts for Content Ideas

Include Your Need

Add the phrase “Generate content ideas to…” Then state your need. Examples include:

  • Spur social media shares.
  • Appeal to bloggers and journalists.
  • Drive organic traffic.
  • Attract buyers at the top of the sales funnel.
  • Engage site visitors.
  • Re-engage inactive clients.
  • Educate customers.
  • Differentiate a product from competitors’ versions.

For example, I entered this prompt seeking ideas to recruit physicians:

We are building a nationwide network of doctors to provide personalized healthcare services. Generate content ideas to attract doctors who could join our network. Highlight the benefits of joining a network versus an independent practice.

Here are ChatGPT’s responses:

  • “Joining Forces: The Value of a Nationwide Doctor Network”
  • “Streamlining Your Practice: How Our Network Simplifies Administrative Tasks”
  • “Navigating Healthcare Regulations: Compliance Made Easy with Our Network”
  • “Economies of Scale: Leveraging Group Purchasing Power”
  • “Risk Management and Malpractice Protection”

Exclude a Target Keyword

I get good results when I force ChatGPT to exclude my organic-search target keyword. The responses attract consumers who may be unaware of my client’s product and are searching for something else.

Say a client offered peer-to-peer loans. I would prompt ChatGPT for content ideas for people looking for loans but not necessarily peer-to-peer, such as:

Come up with content ideas to attract consumers looking to borrow money. Exclude the phrase “peer-to-peer loan,” as many potential borrowers are unfamiliar with this loan type.

The response included:

  • “Unlocking Financial Freedom: How Individuals are Helping Each Other Reach Their Goals”
  • “Empowering Your Finances: The Rise of Community-Based Lending”
  • “Your Guide to Borrowing and Investing with P2P Platforms”
  • “The Sharing Economy Meets Finance: Exploring P2P Lending”
A list of content ideas, including: • "Unlocking Financial Freedom: How Individuals are Helping Each Other Reach Their Goals" • "Empowering Your Finances: The Rise of Community-Based Lending" • "Your Guide to Borrowing and Investing with P2P Platforms" • "The Sharing Economy Meets Finance: Exploring P2P Lending"

ChatGPT’s partial response to the prompt seeking content ideas for folks looking to borrow money. Click image to enlarge.

Request a Format

Include in your prompt the desired format, such as:

  • Listicle,
  • FAQ,
  • Long-form guide,
  • Step-by-step how-to article,
  • Research paper,
  • Survey,
  • Interview,
  • Video or video series,
  • Q&A.

You can also prompt ChatGPT for format ideas. Here’s an example:

For marketing, I write articles, publish interviews and create videos. Which other content formats should I consider?

Encourage Creativity

ChatGPT follows instructions. It will offer unconventional ideas if so prompted. Try adding the following instructions:

  • “Avoid generic ideas,”
  • “Think creatively,”
  • “Generate original ideas,”
  • “Focus on unique benefits instead of repeating others.”

Target Personas

Start the session by asking ChatGPT to create user personas for your product. Then pick one and prompt ChatGPT for content ideas for that persona. For example, I entered this prompt:

My company provides peer-to-peer loans. Generate a list of buyer personas we should target.

ChatGPT produced potential personas, including this one:

“‘Entrepreneurial Innovator.’ These individuals are entrepreneurs or small business owners looking for quick access to capital for business expansion, purchasing inventory, or funding new projects. They might find peer-to-peer loans more flexible and accessible than traditional bank loans.”

I then prompted ChatGPT:

Create 10 content ideas to attract the “Entrepreneurial Innovator” persona.

Provide Examples

Analyzing text is a strength of ChatGPT. Consider requesting ideas based on your own content or competitors’. Here’s a sample prompt:

Suggest content ideas based on this content [PASTE CONTENT HERE].

If you paste your own text, request complementary ideas.

Ann Smarty
Ann Smarty