
September 2017 Top 10: Our Most Popular Posts

What follows are our 10 most popular articles for September 2017, recognizing that articles we published earlier in the month are more likely to make the list than later ones.

78 Free Responsive Email Templates

With more of your shoppers on mobile devices, make sure your next email campaign uses a responsive design that looks good on any screen. Take advantage of free responsive email templates that have been tested on a variety of screen sizes and email clients. Read Article…

105 Leading Social Networks Worldwide

Much has changed since 2015 when we last updated our list of leading social media sites. Many more social networks have been launched. Some have been discontinued. This post will list all leading English-language social networks as of Sept. 2017. Read Article…

AdWords Changes Coming Fall 2017

There has been a flurry of activity from AdWords during the past couple of weeks. If you’re an advertiser, you’ve likely noticed the emails from AdWords, coming fast. In this post, I will explain the changes and how they could impact your advertising efforts. Read Article…

21 Free Web Design Tools, Summer 2017

Enhance your website with free elements and tools from the design community. Here is a list of new web tools and design elements from summer 2017. There are designer and developer apps, fonts, themes, photos, and more. All of these elements are free. Read Article…

Using Google Analytics for Ecommerce SEO

In this article, I will explain a process for optimizing keywords that drive organic search traffic, given the current data constraints. A top priority for ecommerce is to identify keywords that not only produce visitors, but also revenue. Read Article…

5 Content Marketing Ideas for October 2017

Retail competition is stiff and businesses selling simply on price or selection will find themselves in head-to-head competition with massive sellers like Amazon and Walmart. For many ecommerce businesses, the best way to sell more products may be to provide a better customer experience. Read Article…

Ecommerce Briefs: Walmart Steps Up Acquisitions

One economic sector’s implosion is another sector’s lucky break. Physical store closures are disproportionately occurring in the apparel category, pushing more consumers to online clothing shopping. Seizing the opportunity for more online sales, Walmart has already made several apparel ecommerce acquisitions in 2017. Read Article…

SEO: Preparing for Google’s Mobile-first Index

Most searches on Google are from mobile devices. In 2018, Google will judge your desktop and mobile sites’ worthiness to rank based on your mobile implementation. If your mobile experience isn’t already as fast or complete as your desktop experience, now is the time to prepare. Read Article…

Magento C.E.O. on Revamped Product Line; Digital Transformation

Magento, the ecommerce platform, launched in 2007, grew dramatically, and was acquired by eBay. When eBay divested PayPal in 2015, it also sold Magento, to a private equity firm. Magento’s C.E.O. is now Mark Lavelle, a seasoned technology executive who co-founded Bill Me Later, the payment service. Read Article…

4 Predictions for the 2017 Holiday Shopping Season

During the 2017 holiday shopping season, expect weather, mobile commerce, and self-gifting to contribute to an 18 percent growth in U.S. digital retail sales. For the last few years, I have made annual predictions for the holidays. Read Article…

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PEC Staff