Photography & Video

10 Compelling Product Video Examples

Product videos may attract additional shoppers, encourage sharing, and increase sales for online retailers. So it is little wonder that so many leading retailers are using product videos now.

Relying on data aggregated from several sources, SundaySky, a video-platform provider, reported that 48 of the top 50 online retailers used some form of product video in 2012. In contrast, only 16 of those retailers were using product videos in 2011, according to SundaySky. This fact dovetails well with other online video trends.

In 2012, more than half of the total U.S. population and around 71 percent of Internet users watched an online video, according to estimates from HubSpot, an inbound marketing software firm.

Knowing just how successful product videos are for a particular retailer is difficult, since not even public companies are required to report conversion rates or results from their marketing campaigns. However, we can look at those retailers and consider how they are using video. What follows is a list of ten respected online retailers that are using product videos right now.


Toys”R”Us includes videos just above the written descriptions on select product detail pages. While it is worth noting that not every product on the site includes a video, many do.

Toys"R"Us includes a product video on the Leapster GS page.

Toys"R"Us includes a product video on the Leapster GS page.

Home Depot

Home Depot has demonstration videos on many of its product pages. These videos are often custom made for Home Depot, featuring Home Depot employees. The videos do an exceptional job of describing the products’ benefits.

Home Depot has high quality videos for many of its products.

Home Depot has high quality videos for many of its products.


AutoZone, the automotive parts and accessories retailer, makes product videos accessible from category pages as well as from product detail pages.

AutoZone encourages shoppers to watch videos from several pages on the site.

AutoZone encourages shoppers to watch videos from several pages on the site.


Williams-Sonoma is a master of serving up videos that promote product quality.

Williams-Sonoma displays videos in the same space as product images.

Williams-Sonoma displays videos in the same space as product images.

Sports Authority

Sports Authority links to videos directly above the product image for many of the items on its website.

The Sports Authority gives its "Play Video" link a prominent position on the product detail page.

The Sports Authority gives its "Play Video" link a prominent position on the product detail page.


Electronics retailer Newegg introduces some product lines with videos from product category pages. The videos are uploaded to YouTube and then embedded in the site.

Like many retailers, Newegg uses YouTube to host its product videos.

Like many retailers, Newegg uses YouTube to host its product videos.


Membership retailer Costco uses product videos as part of the descriptions for some of the products on its site. As with many retailers, Costco tends to have videos for more expensive or more complex products, like HD televisions.

Costco uses product videos on many of its higher priced items.

Costco uses product videos on many of its higher priced items.


Catalog and online retailer L.L.Bean includes product videos for key products on its site. The videos are professionally made, unique, and specific to the product.

L.L.Bean using high quality product videos to help sell key products.

L.L.Bean using high quality product videos to help sell key products.


Overstock shows product videos in a few different ways. Some are links just below the product image. Others are tabs above the image. In either case, Overstock tends to use videos to explain new or potentially unfamiliar products.

Some of Overstock's product videos are used to describe somewhat unfamiliar products like this robot vacuum.

Some of Overstock’s product videos are used to describe somewhat unfamiliar products like this robot vacuum.


Walgreen’s is a leader in online product video. The site has several examples of customer videos — from actual consumers who have taken the time to review the products the company sells.

Walgreen's publishes customer videos on some of its product detail pages.

Walgreen’s publishes customer videos on some of its product detail pages.


Armando Roggio
Armando Roggio