Social Media

13 Social Media Plugins for WordPress

If you have a WordPress website, you need the right social media plugins to connect your content with your target audience.

Here is a list of social media plugins for WordPress. There are sharing plugins to connect your website to a wide selection of social networks. There are also plugins with specific features, such as a social locker and a social metrics dashboard. Most of these plugins are free, though many have premium plans.

Social Media Plugins for WordPress

Feed Them Social. With this plugin, you can create and display attractive social feeds on your WordPress website. Fit the feed seamlessly into your theme, without bulky iframes or widgets. Show feeds from Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, Vine, and even videos from YouTube. Price: Free. Premium is $50 for a single site.

Feed Them Social

Feed Them Social

Social Locker. Social Locker places your most valuable site content behind a set of social buttons until the visitor likes, shares, +1s, or tweets your page. It helps to improve social performance of your website, get more likes and shares, build quality followers, and attract more traffic from social networks. Price: Free. Premium is $25.

Monarch. Choose from over 20 social-sharing networks to display on your website. Place follow buttons in any widget or display with a shortcode. Choose from six automatic pop-up and fly-in triggers. Use a floating sidebar with unique hover styles. Place sharing buttons above or below content. Monarch caches all of your share and follow counts for optimized loading throughout your website. Price: Starts at $89 per year.

Social Warfare. Social Warfare adds fast social share buttons to your website. Customize the look of your buttons with over 5,000 potential style combinations. Add a custom widget that will display your most popular blog posts by the number of social shares it has received. Create in-post tweetable quotes that make it easy for people to share. Automatically add UTM tracking to every shared link so you can track how your social shares are performing via Google Analytics. Price: $29 per year.

Social Warfare

Social Warfare

Easy Social Metrics Pro. Easy Social Metrics Pro allows you to monitor how your content performs on major social networks. Get quick access to social shares by date, social networks, and most popular posts for a selected period. Access detailed reports for selected periods with highlighted best and worst values by social network. Supports 12 social networks. Comes with a widget to display your top social posts with advanced customization. Price: $29.

Custom Share Buttons with Floating Sidebar. Add a social share floating sidebar with social share buttons. Help visitors share your website on social networks such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Google+, StumbleUpon, Reddit, and YouTube. Change the share button images and their style from the admin. Price: Free.

Revive Old Post. Revive Old Post is a WordPress plugin built to pick up your old content and share it on your social media accounts, all on autopilot. Share your content to multiple accounts on each of the supported social networks — Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Xing, and Tumblr. Share just the titles of your posts, include a hashtag, mention a @username, or include additional custom text. Share individual posts multiple times, over and over. Price: $75 per year.

Revive Old Post

Revive Old Post

Instagram Feed. Display Instagram photos from any non-private Instagram accounts, either in the same single feed or in different ones. Customize your Instagram feeds to look the way you want. Automatically push your new Instagram content straight to your site to keep it looking fresh. Price: Free.

Kiwi. Kiwi is a WordPress share plugin with custom icons built in. Offer share buttons for Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Reddit, Pinterest, Google Plus, and email. Turn each on and off individually. Price: Free.

ClickToTweet. Write the message that you want others to share in the box. Click the “Generate New Link” button to create a custom link. Share the link and track the activity of each link over time. Whoever clicks on the link will have the message automatically added to his Twitter status box — he simply clicks to tweet. Price: Free.



Easy Social Share Buttons. Easy Social Share Buttons allows you to share to roughly 45 of the major social networks, including a wide range of optimized mobile messengers. It includes 52 templates for social sharing and a set of 27 design positions and 30 animations and customizations. Price: $19.

WP Ultimate Social. WP Ultimate Social is an all-in-one package of features for social icons, social share, Twitter feeds, Pinterest feeds, social login, and auto-post. Select from 12 icon sets, 10 themes, four sidebar themes, 18 social profiles, five icon animations, and more. Automatically post on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Tumblr. Price: $50.

Shareaholic. Shareaholic is a suite of social, analytics, monetization, and share button tools. Included in the plugin are related content and related post recommendations, social share buttons, Google Analytics social data, and a variety of advertising options. Combines the functionality of social, content, and monetization plugins, including Jetpack, Contextual Related Posts, Yet Another Related Posts Plugin, and more. Price: Free. Premium plans start at $8 per month.



Sig Ueland
Sig Ueland