Social Media

23 Twitter Feeds for Ecommerce Merchants to Follow

Many ecommerce and digital-marketing experts use Twitter to share industry news, tips, resources, inspiration, and even product launches.

Here is a list of Twitter feeds for online merchants to follow. Most feeds are from individuals, although a few are from application platforms. The feeds are separated into ecommerce, marketing, and design categories.


Tobias Lütke @tobi is CEO of @Shopify. Follow his tweets on broad ecommerce topics and technology trends, including Shopify’s pursuit to overtake Amazon, the economy, and pop culture.

Tobias Lütke @tobi.

Tobias Lütke @tobi.

Gary Vaynerchuk @garyvee is a serial entrepreneur, investor, vlogger, and CEO. While his vlog and podcast provide inspirational guidance on marketing and entrepreneurship, his tweets are more immediate look at his own projects, @Vaynermedia, @VaynerSports, and @Empathywines.

Zia Daniell Wigder @zdwigder is the chief global content officer of @Shoptalk and co-founder of @Groceryshop. Previously she was at Forrester Research, where she oversaw the company’s digital store and omnichannel commerce research, and also led global ecommerce coverage.

Zia Daniell Wigder @zdwigder.

Zia Daniell Wigder @zdwigder.

Micah Solomon @micahsolomon is a writer and consultant on customer service, customer experience, and company culture. He is a contributor to and and has been featured in Bloomberg Businessweek, Harvard Business Review, ABC, CBS, and NBC.

Nicole Martins Ferreira @NicoleMarFer is an ecommerce advocate and writer for Oberlo, Shopify, and A Better Lemonade Stand. Her feed contains useful productivity hacks for running an ecommerce store, as well as inspirational posts for realizing your goals.

Jason Del Rey @DelRey is a senior correspondent for @Recode and has spent the last six years reporting on Amazon and how tech is transforming retail. He’s also the host of “Land of the Giants,” a new podcast about the biggest tech companies of our time.

Armando Roggio @ecommerceboy is an ecommerce practitioner, marketer, developer, and senior contributing editor to @PracticalEcomm. He provides insights on ecommerce strategy and marketing, as well as broad industry trends.

A Better Lemonade Stand @ABLSecom is an online business incubator that helps entrepreneurs build, launch, and grow ecommerce businesses, particularly for drop shipping. A Better Lemonade stand was founded by Richard Lazazzera @RichardABLS.


Google SearchLiaison @searchliaison contains insights on the nature of search from Danny Sullivan @dannysullivan, co-founder of Third Door Media, the company behind Search Engine Land. Sullivan is now an employee of Google.

Google SearchLiaison @searchliaison.

Google SearchLiaison @searchliaison.

Think with Google @ThinkwithGoogle gives you the latest marketing trends, tools, and more from @Google and @YouTube.

GrowthHackers @GrowthHackers is a community-based blog. Get tweets from a collaborative community on growing a business.

Seth Godin @ThisIsSethsBlog is an original digital marketing guru. If you want to see how to develop a brand and make people notice your small business, Godin is an authority.

John Jantsch @ducttape is the founder of Duct Tape Marketing, a marketing platform focused on small businesses. Get tweets from his blog, books, and podcast on digital marketing tools, strategies, and examples from experts.

Ann Handley @annhandley is a best-selling author, chief content officer, partner @MarketingProfs, and founder of ClickZ. She tweets about content marketing, writing, storytelling, lead generation, branding, and more.

Ann Handley @annhandley.

Ann Handley @annhandley.

Tim Ferriss @tferriss is the best-selling author and creator of The 4-Hour Workweek and host of “The Time Ferriss Show” podcast. He is a big-picture thinker, writing mainly about productivity and goal setting.

Neil Patel @neilpatel is a founder of Crazy Egg, Quick Sprout, Hello Bar, and KISSmetrics. He writes about strategies for ecommerce, search engine optimization, email marketing, content marketing, funnels, and more.

Chad White @chadswhite is the author of the book “Email Marketing Rules” and head of research for @OracleMktgCloud. His feed includes practical email strategies, tips, resources, and industry news.


Matthew Smith @whale is a designer and founder of the email repository @reallygoodemail. He tweets about email design, product design, and design in general.

Matthew Smith @whale.

Matthew Smith @whale.

Chris Spooner @chrisspooner is the creator and designer behind the “Spoon Graphics” blog. He tweets include free helpful tutorials, icons, templates, and design freebies.

Mike Wittenstein @mikewittenstein specializes in designing customer experience by helping businesses harness their story and experiences. He’s the founder of StoryMiners, a consulting firm.

Peep Laja @peeplaja is the founder of CXL — @conversionxl — which helps companies grow online revenues through conversion optimization. He tweets on optimization, experimentation, and entrepreneurialism.

CreativeBloq @CreativeBloq tweets include daily design tips and inspiration from the CreativeBloq blog for digital artists, web designers, and illustrators.

Adobe @Adobe provides inspirational digital design examples and updates across the Adobe suite of products.

Adobe @Adobe.

Adobe @Adobe.


Sig Ueland
Sig Ueland