
August 2017 Top 10: Our Most Popular Posts

What follows are our 10 most popular articles for August 2017, recognizing that articles we published earlier in the month are more likely to make the list than later ones.

21 Apps for BigCommerce, to Extend and Enhance

In 2012, BigCommerce launched an integration fund, which lead to hundreds of third-party apps for its platform. Recently BigCommerce launched an expanded partner program with new certification tiers —certified, premier, and elite — to strengthen and showcase app integrations. Read Article…

10 Great Ecommerce Ideas for August 2017

Practical Ecommerce periodically asks industry insiders to share a great, innovative idea that could help an ecommerce company. Here’s what 10 of them had to say for the August 2017 installment of “10 Great Ecommerce Ideas.” Read Article…

5 Content Marketing Ideas for September 2017

What do bacon, spaceships, naval vessels, pop culture, and Christmas all have in common? They are all topics you can use to fuel your content marketing in September 2017. Content marketing is the act of creating, publishing, and distributing content with the specific goal of attracting, engaging, and retaining customers. Read Article…

21 Tools to Launch a Product or Business

If you’re launching a new product or business, get help from free and inexpensive online tools at every stage of the process — from designing and developing your product to marketing and gathering feedback. Here is a list of online tools to launch a product or business. Read Article…

5 Email Marketing Tips to Try This Week

Email marketing is one of the most powerful tools an ecommerce business can use to increase sales. Depending on who you ask, email marketing can generate a return on investment between a few dollars for every $1 invested and a phenomenal 43,000 percent. Read Article…

Optimize These 12 Types of Conversions for Ecommerce Success

There are many types of “conversions” on ecommerce sites. Certainly a purchase is a conversion. But there are also newsletter signups, account creations, social shares, and other actions that indicate visitors’ engagement. Read Article…

How to Incrementally Move an Ecommerce Site to HTTPS

In October, Google Chrome will release version 62, which will warn website visitors with a “Not Secure” message when they type in data — such as site searches and newsletter signups — on pages without HTTPS. Chrome will issue the “Not Secure” warning to all HTTP pages in Incognito mode. Read Article…

Google Analytics: Removing Internal Traffic and Referral Spam

Web traffic from employees, related parties, and automated bots can distort reporting in Google Analytics. For example, including internal traffic in return-on-investment calculations can produce a lower, inaccurate percentage from what legitimate channels actually generated. Read Article…

Measuring What Matters for SEO (Hint: It’s Not Rankings)

When measuring natural search performance, use the key performance indicators that matter to the bottom line. While each piece of data has its place in managing SEO, only visits and revenue truly identify how your natural search program is performing. Read Article…

3 New Amazon Tools for Brands

Amazon continues to improve the experience of brands selling on the marketplace. There are a few new tools that are worth noting, for Fulfillment-by-Amazon sellers in Brand Registry. One tool, “Customer Insights,” is seemingly hidden. I will provide the link to access it. Read Article…

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PEC Staff