Tim Wilson

Tim Wilson

Tim Wilson is a partner at Web Analytics Demystified, a leading digital analytics consultancy. He has worked with the many dimensions of marketing and customer data for over a decade. From running the business intelligence department for a $500 million high-tech business-to-business company, to driving initiatives to clean up customer data at a major insurance and financial services company, to working at a leading digital agency to help consumer brands ranging from Hewlett-Packard to Purina to act on their digital and social data, Tim is a marketer-friendly data geek.

While his heart remains in Austin, Tim has been based in Columbus, Ohio, since 2007, where he started and continues to run monthly Web Analytics Wednesdays, and where he blogs about measurement and analytics at GilliganOnData.com. He holds a B.S. in Architecture from Massachusetts Institute of Technology and an M.B.A. from The University of Texas at Austin.