Social Media
Our social media marketing coverage addresses management tools, educational courses, platform tips, social analytics, and strategies for Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, and more. We’ve interviewed merchants who rely on social media traffic, and vendors who provide specialized services.
Social Media
Blogs and Affiliate Marketing
February 1, 2006 • Paul Chaney
Blogs have typically not been thought of as direct response sales tools. In their brief history, blogs have morphed from being “personal online journals and diaries” to vital tools for business, but the focus has been more on using them for relational marketing or purely informational p...
Social Media
Successful Blogging: Utilize the Four
January 1, 2006 • Paul Chaney
Everyone remembers the three “R’s” from your school days: Reading, ‘Riting, and ‘Rithmetic. These three areas are considered essential to building a good educational foundation. Similarly, there are also some basic essentials to strategic blogging. I would like to present the four “R’s”...
Social Media
eCommerce Marketing: Use Email, Blogs and RSS Together
December 1, 2005 • Paul Chaney
Think of things that just naturally go together and what comes to mind? Peanut butter and jelly for one, ham and cheese for another. How about a hammer and nails or a table and chairs? In terms of online marketing, two strategies go together equally as well: email and blogs. Email is t...
Social Media
Blogs Are One Way to Get Consumers
November 1, 2005 • Paul Chaney
Are you “stuck on style?” If so, you may already be a fan of online retailer’s blog, Flypaper. Those three words describe the audience Bluefly, a discount women’s apparel e-tailer, is attempting to attract via the blog: women who care about fashionable clothing but who do not want to pa...
Social Media
Ten Things to Consider Before You Blog
September 1, 2005 • Paul Chaney
You’ve heard a lot about web logs or blogs. That’s because during the past six years blogs have evolved from a highly personal form of communication on the Internet to a powerful new medium for business. Not since Procter & Gamble invented branding back in 1931 has there been so muc...
Social Media
Blogging: Your Kids Do It, and Your Business Should Too
August 1, 2005 • Paul Chaney
Doubtless, you have heard the term "blog." Bloggers, as they are called, have been credited with bringing down key political and media figures like former Senate Majority Leader Trent Lott and CBS news anchor Dan Rather. Your teenager might use a blog as a way to chronicle his or her d...