
September 2019 Top 10: Our Most Popular Posts

The mission of Practical Ecommerce is to publish articles, seminars, and podcasts to help ecommerce merchants. What follows are the 10 most popular articles (based on page views) that we published in September 2019. Articles published earlier in the month are more likely to make the list than later ones.

6 Types of Content That Help SEO (and Shoppers)

Modern search engine optimization relies on providing valuable content that improves a site’s customer experience. But the form it should take often stymies site owners. The mention of content to ecommerce marketers often conjures images of cramming useless words into category pages… Read more…

Understanding Google Ads’ New Conversion Action Sets

Earlier this year at its annual Marketing Live conference, Google announced a slew of Ads updates. One that didn’t receive a ton of attention, but is critical to how advertisers optimize their campaigns, is conversion action sets. Advertisers use conversion tracking for keywords and ad copy. Read more…

SEO: 2 Good Ways to Remove Duplicate Content, and 8 Bad Ones

Duplicate content is two or more pages containing the same or very similar text. Duplicate content splits link authority and thus diminishes a page’s ability to rank in organic search results. Say a website has two identical pages, each with 10 external, inbound links. Read more…

5 Content Marketing Ideas for October 2019

Useful, informative, and entertaining content is a good way to attract customers. It is the foundation for content marketing. When your business creates or curates helpful content such as articles, videos, or podcasts, it can attract, engage, and retain an audience that is likely to become loyal… Read more…

What’s the best ecommerce platform for your business?

Most ecommerce business owners are not internet experts. We rely on service providers to guide us. Similar to hiring accountants and lawyers, we often use ecommerce consultants and developers to help with our online store. But can we trust them? Read more…

Google Ads Expands Keyword Variant Matching, Again

Over the past couple of years Google Ads has expanded the use of close keyword variants. I wrote about the initial change in April 2017, in “AdWords: Exact Match Not So Exact Anymore,” when Google altered the match type to include not just misspellings and plurals, but also function words… Read more…

How to Write Amazon Product Titles That Drive Clicks

On Amazon’s marketplace, a product’s title can be the difference between getting a click or being ignored. Next to a compelling product photo, a title is likely the most important aspect of the description. Amazon emphasized this when it enacted new product title requirements in June 2019… Read more…

12 New Ecommerce Books for Fall 2019

For your autumn reading list, here is a batch of new ecommerce books. There are titles on website design, dropshipping, marketing and sales strategies, the Amazon economy, and testing business ideas. Read more…

Ecommerce Product Releases: September 15, 2019

Here is a list of product releases and updates for mid-September from companies that offer services to online merchants. There are updates on shipping, warehousing, fulfillment, cross-channel marketing, last-mile delivery, and visual search. Read more…

Google Muzzles ‘Self-serving’ Review Snippets

With a new algorithm, Google is determined to remove “self-serving” reviews from rich snippets in search results. Thankfully for ecommerce companies, traditional product reviews on product pages shouldn’t be affected. Google announced guidelines last week on the types of information… Read more…

PEC Staff
PEC Staff