
August 2019 Top 10: Our Most Popular Posts

Since 2005 we’ve published articles, seminars, and podcasts to help ecommerce merchants improve their business. What follows are the 10 most popular articles (based on page views) that we published in August. Articles published earlier in the month are more likely to make the list than later ones.

5 Content Marketing Ideas for September 2019

Content marketing requires a steady stream of material, such as guides, articles, and podcasts. Often this material is the result of dozens of ideas. For September 2019, your business might choose to write an article about procrastination. Or it could publish a useful guide, or it might even start a podcast. Read more…

8-step SEO Crawl Audit for Ecommerce

Your site won’t rank if search engine bots can’t crawl it. And hidden doors that don’t impact human visitors can lock bots out. Analyzing crawls will reveal and unlock the hidden doors. Then bots can enter your site, access your information, and index it so that it can appear in search results. Read more…

6-step SEO Indexation Audit for Ecommerce

Search engines need to index your site before it can rank. But it’s not always obvious if a search index contains the correct pages. Content that should be indexed may not be. And content that should not be indexed often is. Read more…

Ecommerce Product Releases: August 2, 2019

Here is a list of product releases and updates for late July from companies that offer services to online merchants. There are updates on shipping in scale, managed deliveries, mobile commerce, invoicing, and personalized deals. Read more…

Simple Tweaks to Product Pages Can Drive Sales

For decades grocery stores have used “eye-level” selling tactics. Eye-level marketing is such a big deal that manufacturers pay top dollar to make sure we see their products on the shelves. They do the same for kids — placing cereals and fruit drinks at the perfect height for a child to see. Read more…

17 Ideas to Reinvent Your Ecommerce Business

When was the last time you did something innovative with your online store? Innovation involves taking a risk. It is more than changing a button color or adding a hero image or promotion. Done right, innovation can result in a big reward. If not, you’ve invested poorly, but haven’t ruined your company. Read more…

Prioritize Ecommerce Tasks with the Eisenhower Matrix

A simple, two-by-two matrix can help ecommerce business owners and managers prioritize tasks and become more effective. The Eisenhower Matrix organizes your to-do list based on each task’s relative importance and urgency. The model requires you to think about how a task can impact… Read more…

13 Apps to Run Social Media Contests

Running a contest on social media can be a good way to build followers, create leads, and produce user-generated content. My previous post, “15 Buzz-worthy Giveaway Contests on Social Media,” cited inspiring examples. Here is a list of platforms to run contests on social media. Read more…

4 Ways Google Defines ‘Quality’

One of the most frustrating elements of search engine optimization has been Google’s attempt to address quality. Most people think that their site is quality already. They spend time and money creating and maintaining it. Thus it’s confusing and somewhat insulting to suggest… Read more…

3 Tools to Find Broken Links on Your Website

A broken link is a bad user experience waiting to happen. It is the internet’s most common example of over-promising and under-delivering. Your site promises a useful piece of information or a product or service that a visitor wants, but instead of providing it… Read more…

PEC Staff
PEC Staff