An ecommerce site is a business. Our Management & Finance category addresses online payments, funding needs, employee issues, merchant profiles, key metrics, multichannel and omnichannel strategies, cross-border analyses, inventory management, accounting topics, sales taxes, and much more.
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Lessons Learned: 3tailer Co-Founder Jon West
October 29, 2008 • Brendan Gibbons
"Lessons Learned" is an occasional series where we ask experienced ecommerce merchants about their mistakes and successes. For this installment, we asked Jon West, co-founder of 3tailer, a niche firm based in Charlotte, N.C. with over 50,000 individual products sold on 17 websites. West...
Quick Query: Guidance CTO on Importance of Social Media
October 27, 2008 • Brendan Gibbons
As the landscape of social media changes (with Facebook as its barometer), ecommerce professionals have to face the decision of extending their social marketing and multiplying their influence into different channels. Jon Provisor is co-owner and CTO of Guidance, which specializes in h...
SellPoint CEO on Video and Its Impact On Conversion Rates
October 20, 2008 • PEC Staff
The use of video and rich media can enhance an ecommerce site. SellPoint is a firm that provides video and rich media (for free) to ecommerce merchants and we’ve asked ...
Bloglist: buySafe Founder Steve Woda
October 20, 2008 • Brendan Gibbons
In Bloglist, we ask ecommerce professionals to share some of their favorite blogs. In this installment, we checked in with Steve Woda, founder, chairman and senior vice-president of product and strategy at buySAFE, a company that inspects online merchants, monitors their performance, an...
Field Test: Video Usage On eCommerce Sites
October 15, 2008 • Brendan Gibbons
In Field Test, Practical eCommerce questions several ecommerce merchants about a given topic. This month’s topic is online video, a powerful but not widely used form of marketing that’s driven by mixed motives in theory and varied results in practice. Video FAQ’s and product demonstrat...
Copyright Law for Ecommerce Merchants
October 13, 2008 • Peter LaSorsa
The Internet makes copying photographs, artwork, and words easy, since a relatively unsophisticated user can just browse the web saving or copying nearly anything that suits his fancy. As an e-business owner you’ll want to both protect your photographs and, conversely, ensure that your ...
Business CEO On Vertical-Search PPC Opportunities
October 12, 2008 • PEC Staff
Many ecommerce merchants run pay-per-click ad campaigns on the major search engines. But Jason Prescott, CEO of, argues that merchants can obtain a higher return-on-investment by advertising on specialized ...
Pay-Per-Click Report Card:
October 10, 2008 • Greg Laptevsky
Lori’s Wigsite sells various brands of wigs for men and women. The owner asked Practical eCommerce to review her pay-per-click marketing efforts and examine how the company’s current agency does the job. is running advertising campaigns on Google AdWords and Yahoo! Sear...
Amazon Payment Service Allows for Advanced Options
October 6, 2008 • Armando Roggio has been offering a beta version of its Flexible Payment Service (FPS) to merchants for almost a year now. With many developer-friendly features, some sellers could benefit from adding Amazon FPS to their payment options, especially if they’re already using Amazon to sell the...
Quick Query: Pilot Identifies Niche With PDF Aviation Maps
October 3, 2008 • Armando Roggio
In the United States there will be 590,349 pilots collectively flying some 28 million hours in 228,000 different aircraft this year alone, according to the U.S. Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). To navigate, those pilots use altimeters, global positioning, and good old-fashioned ma...
RatePoint CEO On Reputation Management
September 22, 2008 • PEC Staff
With the existence of social networking and consumer review sites, disgruntled customers can post negative comments about an ecommerce merchant and cause lasting harm. Neal Creighton is CEO of RatePoint,
Pirated Software Rampant Among Personal Computer Users
September 18, 2008 • Michael A. Cox
To somebody who has never owned or made his living creating and licensing intellectual property, it may not be a big deal. Really, who is it going to hurt when someone downloads a piece of software without paying for it and uses it for personal gain? Or, what’s the harm when a kid down...
Profile: Credit Card Veterans Will Target Experienced Merchants
September 2, 2008 • Michael A. Cox
If you’ve got John Waldron and Sloane Bouchever in a three-way on the phone, the best strategy is try and stay out of the way and take copious notes – better yet turn on a recorder. When these two highly successful and motivated online business pros get to talking about merchants and cr...
Video Tutorial: Assessing Accessibility
August 26, 2008 • Brian Getting
There are a number of compelling reasons to make sure that your website is accessible to people with disabilities. In some cases meeting accessibility compliance standards is a legal obligation. However, in most cases (such as ecommerce merchants) it is just a good idea. Not only will...
Order Fulfillment: Keep It Simple And Beware Of All The Costs
August 21, 2008 • Maxim Mironov
I used to manage the fulfillment operations of a mid-size online retail company. We adopted the “Why” method to correct and eliminate fulfillment errors and complexities. That is, each time a new fulfillment glitch arose, we asked ourselves, “Why?” The “Why” method in practice Here’s ...
Video Tutorial: Batch Processing In Photoshop
August 20, 2008 • Brian Getting
Got a lot of product photos? Processing a large amount of images in Photoshop can take up a ton of time, and be an extremely boring task. Luckily, Photoshop provides a way to automate repetitive processing, which Practical eCommerce's Chief Architect Brian Getting illustrates in this v...
Sales Tax: Frequently Asked Questions
August 18, 2008 • Brendan Gibbons
Sales tax is a confusing concept for ecommerce merchants, and many consider Internet sales to be a sales tax-free domain. However, this is not the case, and ignoring sales tax can have severe consequences for merchants from whom it is due. Unfortunately, many states have confusing and ...
Practical eCommerce Increases Digital Offerings, Drops Printed Magazine
August 15, 2008 • Kerry Murdock
Practical eCommerce is dropping its printed magazine to focus exclusively on the digital delivery of its editorial content. The company began in July 2005 with a mission to publish easy-to-follow articles and advice that help businesses succeed online. This editorial content was origin...
Quick Query: 1&1 CEO Oliver Mauss
August 13, 2008 • Brendan Gibbons
1&1 Internet is among the world’s largest web hosts with 55,000 servers and 7.46 million customer contracts. Recently, the company surveyed 1,025 U.S. consumers about website communication and loyalty. We asked 1&1 CEO Oliver Mauss about the survey and what it means for small to...
Video: Overview of Practical eCommerce Podcasts
August 11, 2008 • Brian Getting
This explanation is for anyone interested in the audio podcast content of the revamped Practical eCommerce features three unique podcasts: The eCommerce Minute, eCommerce Conversations and eCommerce Articles. With the redesign of the website came a dramatic cha...
Tutorial: Understanding Photoshop Layer Styles
August 4, 2008 • Brian Getting
Learning how to use Photoshop can be a very intimidating experience. In most cases, you have an idea of what you want to accomplish but you don't know how to use the available tools to get it done. In this video tutorial Practical eCommerce's Chief Architect Brian Getting provides a br...
Legal: The Top Ten Risks For Online Businesses
July 30, 2008 • John W. Dozier, Jr.
We are often posed a “simple question” by sophisticated clients. Sometimes it is a simple question with a simple answer. More often than not, though, it is not. Serious web businesses know that if you operate in the “white hat” arena, never take a chance, and never go into the unknown;...
SBA Financing for Ecommerce Firms
July 28, 2008 • Jennifer D. Meacham
Working into the evening, Sterling Savings banker Michael Williams wraps up another day of SBA lending in Portland, Ore.’s “Silicon Forrest.” As business development officer for Sterling Savings’ SBA division, Williams knows firsthand the issues faced by ecommerce sites looking for an S...
Research Domain Names Before You Bid
July 28, 2008 • Brendan Gibbons
Chris Stump of launched his site in October with a solid search engine-marketing plan. “Our original plan was pay-per-click from the start and search engine optimization as a long-term strategy,” Stump said. He got right to work, purchasing the domain
Enquisite’s Dan Robbins
July 28, 2008 • PEC Staff
Dan Robbins is Vice President of Marketing at Enquisite, a search analytics company that follows customers from search to conversion. He joins Practical eCommerce Publisher Kerry Murdock to discuss Enquisite ...
Shaun Ryan, CEO Of SLI Systems
July 22, 2008 • Kerry Murdock
SLI Systems CEO Shaun Ryan discusses site search and SLI’s hosted site search solution with Practical eCommerce Publisher Kerry Murdock.
Field Test: Order Management Software
July 11, 2008 • Brendan Gibbons
In Field Test, Practical eCommerce has gathered twelve seasoned ecommerce merchants and asked each of them the same questions around a given topic. This month’s topic is order management software. The participating ecommerce merchants are: Dave Norris, House of Antique Hardware; Justin...
Dr. J’s Pet Project
July 11, 2008 • Michael A. Cox
To be honest, it was a little embarrassing to be the daughter of an entrepreneur who was trying to start up a mail order livestock supply business back in 1975. Ruth Jeffers was a little girl when her dad, Dr. Keith Jeffers, decided to provide a higher level of service to his cattle cl...
Practical eCommerce Blogger Wins eBay Hall of Fame Award
July 11, 2008 • Brendan Gibbons
eBay expert and Practical eCommerce blogger Danna Crawford was out fishing with her daughters on her birthday, May 13. After a long day with no successful catches, the three went home tired and sunburned to find that Crawford was one of five eBay users to net two of eBay’s most prestigi...
ICANN Exec On The new Top-level Domains
July 11, 2008 • PEC Staff
The Internet Corporation for Assigned Name and Numbers, or ICANN, coordinates the domain name system globally. These tasks involve ensuring the domain name system functions properly and that individuals and companies can easily obtain and use domain names for their lawful purposes. Rec...