Customer Retention
Repeat buyers are the key to long-term success for most ecommerce businesses. Our library of customer retention articles includes tactics for subscription ideas, loyalty programs, A/B testing, enhanced customer service, soliciting feedback, and much more.
Customer Retention
Use Cross-selling to Increase Trust, Loyalty, Sales
January 7, 2020 • Pamela Hazelton
Cross-selling is the act of successfully offering complementary items on the same or subsequent orders. This tried-and-true practice can help retailers of all sizes and product types boost average sales totals and customer loyalty.
Customer Retention
6 Customer Retention Ideas for the Holidays
September 16, 2019 • Armando Roggio
The holiday shopping season from October to December is a boom time for most retailers. Sales are up. New customers are plentiful. What follows are six ideas to retain holiday shoppers after the busy season.
Customer Retention
Retargeting Improves Conversions from SEO
June 30, 2019 • Jill Kocher Brown
Retargeting turns visitor actions on your site or app into a second chance to capture a sale. It’s an excellent way to move top-of-funnel traffic from organic search to conversions.
Customer Retention
Branding Is the Key to More Ecommerce Sales
June 20, 2019 • Pamela Hazelton
Positive branding is key for any business. It takes a lot of work over time, but the benefits make it worthwhile. The products you sell, interactions with shoppers, transparency — all impact branding.
Customer Retention
Analyzing the Impact of Customer Retention on Profits
March 26, 2019 • Armando Roggio
Customer retention is a good indicator of an ecommerce business’s potential for long-term growth and success. With this in mind, ecommerce owners and managers should consider making customer retention a ...
Customer Retention
8 Micro Conversions to Instill Trust, Obtain Customers
January 23, 2019 • Pamela Hazelton
Micro conversions are smaller actions that can lead to sales. Micro conversions can instill trust, and therefore influence the 90 percent of visitors who do not intend to immediately purchase.
Customer Retention
10 Holiday-selling Tips to Boost January Revenue
November 26, 2018 • Pamela Hazelton
While you are busy handling lots of holiday orders, take a few minutes to analyze your online store to increase the chance of getting post-holiday sales. Here are 10 tips to enter 2019 stronger than ever.
Customer Retention
Overlooked Ways to Encourage Repeat Business
May 13, 2018 • Marcia Yudkin
Given how much more profitable returning customers are than first-time buyers, it’s amazing how many companies put so little effort into encouraging repeat sales. Consider imparting something visible and obvious to your customer as a memory prompt. This doesn’t have to be elaborate or expensive.
Customer Retention
Manage Site Search Like It’s 1996
February 7, 2018 • Pamela Hazelton
Configuring site search to mimic how visitors think and speak can go a long way to helping them find what they are looking for. That was the goal of Ask Jeeves. It launched in 1996 and shook up Internet search. Its objective was simple — to let people ask real questions, instead of entering specific keywords.
Customer Retention
Comparing A/B and Multivariate Testing
January 24, 2018 • Anna Kayfitz
A/B tests are controlled experiments of two attributes, to measure which one was most popular with users. You can apply A/B testing to just about anything that you can measure. Multivariate testing allows you to measure multiple variables simultaneously.
Customer Retention
How to Turn Seasonal Shoppers into Lifetime Customers
November 16, 2017 • Pamela Hazelton
With the holiday shopping season upon us, getting more traffic and converting more shoppers into buyers is key to reaching sales goals. Don’t miss out, though, on the potential icing ...
Customer Retention
Default Category Sorts Can Harm Conversions
May 23, 2017 • Pamela Hazelton
Trying to figure out why your store’s conversion rate is so low? The order in which products are displayed on categories is a major culprit. While “relevancy” is a common default ...
Customer Retention
Site Search: A Navigation and Conversion Tool
May 9, 2017 • Pamela Hazelton
Online shoppers who find what they want tend to spend more money. And site search helps them locate what they’re looking for. According to a study by WebLinc, an ecommerce platform and consulting firm,
Customer Retention
5 Reasons to Offer Ecommerce Subscriptions
January 26, 2017 • Armando Roggio
The ecommerce subscription model offers retailers several operational benefits, including relatively better marketing results, higher customer retention rates, improved margins, easy inventory management, and less expensive shipping. Subscription ecommerce businesses take ...
Customer Retention
Using Supporting Content to Build Loyal Customers, Authority
September 22, 2016 • Pamela Hazelton
The ideal customer — one who makes regular purchases over time — wants more than just good prices and an attractive return policy. The ideal customer wants a positive experience ...
Customer Retention
Customer Accounts Can Boost Conversions
September 6, 2016 • Pamela Hazelton
Merchants often argue that customer accounts should be optional. And they should be. But there are good reasons for encouraging shoppers to create accounts and, done right, this practice can ...
Customer Retention
Using Referral Marketing to Fuel Ecommerce Subscriptions
August 17, 2016 • Armando Roggio
When your subscribers refer your ecommerce subscription service, they are helping your business grow. Both the customers who refer your products and the referred customers they bring in are likely ...
Customer Retention
Focus on Existing Customers for Better Profitability
June 9, 2016 • Marcia Kaplan
Should ecommerce merchants direct their resources to finding new customers or marketing to existing ones? The answer, according to most experts, is that companies achieve better return on investment by nurturing their ...
Customer Retention
5 Ways to Draw Shoppers In, and Keep Them
May 21, 2016 • Pamela Hazelton
The percentage of people navigating sites via mobile devices continues to climb — some sites are as high as 75 percent. That means fast-loading images and descriptive video, among other ...
Customer Retention
Use a Blog to Build Loyalty, Increase Conversions
April 21, 2016 • Pamela Hazelton
If you’re relying solely on category and product pages to convert visitors into customers, you’re missing a good opportunity to build a loyal following. Today, more than ever, consumers rely ...
Customer Retention
6 Benefits of Using Predictive Marketing Tools, for Ecommerce
January 13, 2016 • Marcia Kaplan
Big data can be a big headache. Collecting consumer data is only useful if the information can be leveraged for revenue and profit. Predictive-marketing analytics tools help companies manipulate data ...
Customer Retention
Keep the Buying Momentum Going in January
December 22, 2015 • Pamela Hazelton
For most online retailers, the holiday shopping season accounts for up to 40 percent of annual sales. While we await final numbers for the 2015 Christmas season, the following 2010-2014
Customer Retention
Use Shopping Surveys to Increase Conversions
October 21, 2015 • Pamela Hazelton
If you ever want to know what online shoppers are thinking, ask them. Shopping surveys tell you what’s working and what isn’t. They can also tell you things you never ...
Customer Retention
To Grow Conversions, Cater to Target Audience
May 21, 2015 • Pamela Hazelton
Can you define your target audience? I’m not talking about who you want to buy your product — i.e., everyone — but rather who is likely to give you their business. Many small ...
Customer Retention
How to Lessen the Post-holiday Sales Lull
December 22, 2014 • Pamela Hazelton
Now that the rush of online holiday shopping is coming to a halt, it’s time to consider how to lessen the blow of the January lull. It happens every year.
Customer Retention
Customize the Search Page to Increase Ecommerce Sales
November 30, 2014 • Pamela Hazelton
One of the most ignored features of the online store is the search page. It typically provides too many irrelevant results, or worse, none at all. Even the biggest online ...
Customer Retention
Seek Repeat Customers to Drive Ecommerce Profits
January 22, 2014 • Armando Roggio
Growing a successful ecommerce business may depend on earning repeat business from a relatively small number of loyal shoppers, according to a new report. The top 1 percent of a typical ...
Customer Retention
Understanding Consumer Search Behaviors
October 2, 2013 • Armando Roggio
Shoppers have many reasons to look for products online. They may want a particular item, seek a bargain price, or even compare similar choices. Understanding these basic consumer search behaviors ...
Customer Retention
6 Ways to Market Gift Cards Online
September 24, 2013 • Armando Roggio
Gift cards can be an effective way to increase online sales, acquire new customers, and encourage return visits. Marketing gift cards can be easy during holidays, like Valentine’s Day, Mother’s ...
Customer Retention
Marketing to Affluent Customers, for High Margins
September 18, 2013 • Armando Roggio
Many online retailers compete on price. But selling luxury products to relatively affluent shoppers with annual incomes above $100,000 per year is an exercise in brand building and content marketing. Shoppers ...