Email Marketing
Most ecommerce businesses rely on email marketing as a low-cost sales driver. We’ve addressed a wide array of strategies for email, including improving opens, clicks, and conversions, mastering deliverability, optimizing by device, automation, spam, segmentation, and more.
Email Marketing
Email Marketing: 3 Examples, Good and Bad
October 20, 2015 • Carolyn Nye
Sometimes the success of an email marketing campaign can boil down to how much it grabbed the attention of recipients. In this post, I’ll review three examples of attention-grabbing emails. Event-driven Email:
Email Marketing
Holiday Email Marketing: 3 Ways to Save Time
September 24, 2015 • Carolyn Nye
The busy holiday season is heating up. With it come increased marketing duties, such as creating and executing email campaigns, which take time. In this post, I’ll suggest three ways ...
Email Marketing
Plan Cyber Monday 2015 Email Now
September 3, 2015 • Armando Roggio
On Cyber Monday, online shoppers will endure an email deluge as nearly every retailer sends some special offer to its active subscribers. A last minute Cyber Monday email planned Sunday ...
Email Marketing
Learn to Design Responsive Email Templates this Weekend
August 25, 2015 • Armando Roggio
With some experience in HTML and CSS, you can learn to design your own responsive email templates in just about a weekend. With your fresh new skills, take control over how your email marketing messages look on nearly any device.
Email Marketing
4 Ways to Prepare for Holiday Email Marketing Now
August 18, 2015 • Carolyn Nye
The upcoming holiday season offers tremendous revenue potential for many ecommerce merchants. Instead of procrastinating through the back-to-school rush, make preparations now to improve your email marketing program so that ...
Email Marketing
6 After-order Emails to Boost Ecommerce Sales
August 12, 2015 • Armando Roggio
When online retailers use email to market to loyal customers, those stores are applying one of their most effective marketing tools to some of their richest sales prospects. Repeat customers are ...
Email Marketing
How to Determine Email Frequency, for Maximum Revenue
July 17, 2015 • Carolyn Nye
I am frequently asked by ecommerce merchants, "How often should I be sending emails?" I nearly always give the same response, "It depends." In fact, most
Email Marketing
4 Summertime Email-marketing Tactics, to Spur Sales
June 18, 2015 • Carolyn Nye
For many ecommerce businesses, summer can be a challenging time for sales. Consumers are preoccupied with vacation plans and traveling, which can decrease online purchasing. In this post, I’ll explore four ...
Email Marketing
Email Marketing Evolving to Personalization, Behavior
June 10, 2015 • Armando Roggio
Email marketing is one of the most powerful tools available to modern marketers. It is vital for most businesses. But what makes email marketing effective is changing in response to ...
Email Marketing
The Secret to Email Subject Lines, for 2015
May 27, 2015 • Armando Roggio
Email subject lines can make or break a marketing campaign, either generating lots of opens, clicks, and sales or prompting recipients to delete messages and move on to a competitor. For 2015,
Email Marketing
5 Ways to Improve Abandoned Cart Emails
May 20, 2015 • Carolyn Nye
Abandoned cart emails are typically among the most effective marketing programs for ecommerce merchants. If you currently do not have an automated cart-abandonment email series, strongly consider launching one. With mobile playing a larger role ...
Email Marketing
Email Marketing to Smartphone Users Challenging, Doable
April 15, 2015 • Carolyn Nye
The dramatic shift to mobile devices affects how consumers interact with brands and websites. The shift presents challenges for email marketing by ecommerce companies. In this article, I’ll review three new mobile email metrics faced by ...
Email Marketing
Email Marketing Metrics, Part 2: Advanced Topics
March 17, 2015 • Carolyn Nye
In “Email Marketing Metrics, Part 1: The Basics,” my article last month, I addressed the primary measurements for email marketing: delivery rate, open rate, and click rate. In this “Part 2”
Email Marketing
Email Marketing Metrics, Part 1: The Basics
February 22, 2015 • Carolyn Nye
Email marketing is cost effective and typically has a high return on investment. But over the years, email marketing has changed. Measuring the performance of email and its impact on incremental revenue can be difficult. In this 2-part series,
Email Marketing
Without Email Marketing, You’re Probably Losing Sales
February 16, 2015 • Armando Roggio
When you send a well-done email-marketing message, it is like stepping on the gas pedal in a sports car. Things just start to go. In fact, of all of the ways ...
Email Marketing
4 Email Tactics to Nurture Ecommerce Prospects
January 16, 2015 • Carolyn Nye
Lead nurturing is a business-to-business marketing process to optimize a series of communications with a lead or prospect, to increase sales. The strategy for a successful B2B lead nurturing program ...
Email Marketing
12 Email-marketing Twitter Feeds to Follow in 2015
January 15, 2015 • Armando Roggio
Email messages can deliver relevant, actionable, and engaging content directly to shoppers, ultimately improving sales or helping businesses achieve any number of goals. Getting the most from an email-marketing campaign ...
Email Marketing
6 Triggered Email Strategies for Ecommerce
January 13, 2015 • Armando Roggio
Email marketing is one of the most powerful, sales-driving tools available to ecommerce companies, reaching consumers directly on their mobile smartphones, tablets, laptops, and desktop computers. Not every email message, however,
Email Marketing
5 Clever Email Innovations for 2015 and Beyond
January 9, 2015 • Pamella Neely
Email marketing has a reputation for being dull. When someone says "innovation" we're more likely to think social media or mobile or video. Not email. But email marketing is evolving, and evolving fast. In just the last year or two there are several advances that can take any "dull" email message and make it cutting edge.
Email Marketing
7 Tips for a Powerful Email Call to Action
December 23, 2014 • Pamella Neely
If you could only have two things in an email, they would the subject line and the call to action. I wrote about subject lines a few months back, in "7 Ways to Improve Email Subject Lines (and a Sneaky Way to Test)." But the call to action has been left unexamined until now. So here are seven of the best ways to nail the call to action in your next email campaign, and in all your email campaigns to come.
Email Marketing
4 Compelling Holiday Email Campaigns, from Retailers
December 17, 2014 • Carolyn Nye
Once Thanksgiving arrives, the volume of emails increases dramatically. Retailers race to get offers out to eager shoppers. Typically companies that send infrequent emails will increase their volume this time of ...
Email Marketing
Email Marketing Pointers for Cyber Monday 2014
November 17, 2014 • Carolyn Nye
Cyber Monday is the traditional kickoff for the ecommerce holiday-selling season. In this article, I’ll review five pointers for your holiday ecommerce email-marketing program. Facilitate Ordering Directly from an Email People have ...
Email Marketing
Email Marketing: 5 Ways to Inject Holiday Spirit
November 13, 2014 • Armando Roggio
Ecommerce email marketing can significantly boost sales during the holiday shopping season, which is why so many online sellers use it. One way to help messages stand out in the ...
Email Marketing
21 Ways to Improve Email Deliverability
October 27, 2014 • Pamella Neely
Most of us have had at least one experience of losing something in the postal mail. Hopefully yours was something small, like a postcard, not something like a mortgage payment or a rent check. But despite how much we all complain about the post office, its delivery rates positively sparkle compared to email messages. Just last week, Return Path, the email certification service, reported that one in six emails never makes it to the inbox.
Email Marketing
4 Email-marketing Tools to Improve Performance
October 23, 2014 • Carolyn Nye
Many ecommerce merchants use email service providers to deploy outgoing messages and manage subscribers’ email addresses. But there are other companies that offer useful, email-related products and services. In this article,
Email Marketing
Email Marketing: 5 Ways to Sabotage Your 2014 Holiday Campaigns
October 15, 2014 • Armando Roggio
Email marketing is one of the most powerful promotional tools available to online sellers. When done well, a good holiday email marketing campaign can increase sales, which in turn will ...
Email Marketing
5 Tips to Improve Email Order Confirmations
September 16, 2014 • Carolyn Nye
The holiday season is gearing up. For ecommerce merchants, it’s important that their triggered and transactional emails are functioning correctly. The objective of these emails should be to help customers ...
Email Marketing
13 Awesome ‘Welcome’ Email Ideas
September 1, 2014 • Pamella Neely
Welcome emails are one of the first key steps to long-term success with email marketing. They build trust, reduce opt-outs, and get sales upfront. Welcome emails typically get three times the clicks and sales as a standard promotional email. They’re also a terrific way to get ready for Christmas, which will be only 114 days away as of September 1.
Email Marketing
How to Personalize Ecommerce Emails, or Not
August 21, 2014 • Carolyn Nye
Ecommerce merchants rely on email marketing for new customers and for recurring sales. Many of these customers, however, receive many emails per day; grabbing their attention via an email is ...
Email Marketing
Email Marketing: Understanding the New Canadian Anti-Spam Law
July 18, 2014 • Carolyn Nye
On July 1, Canadian Anti-Spam Legislation (CASL) came into effect. The law is vastly different from the U.S. CAN-SPAM Act, with stricter provisions and heavier fines. CASL was enacted to ...