Email Marketing
Most ecommerce businesses rely on email marketing as a low-cost sales driver. We’ve addressed a wide array of strategies for email, including improving opens, clicks, and conversions, mastering deliverability, optimizing by device, automation, spam, segmentation, and more.
Email Marketing
To Optimize Email Marketing, Test These 3 Elements
February 16, 2017 • Carolyn Nye
One of the best things about email marketing is the ability to test elements in a campaign and quickly receive actionable data. Moreover, the results of email tests can apply ...
Email Marketing
Using Triggered Emails for B2B Ecommerce
February 14, 2017 • Lori McDonald
Email marketing is a powerful tool, one that many B2B companies do not take advantage of. Triggered emails are a good way to get started. They are event-driven, based on a customer’s ...
Email Marketing
Understanding Email and Data Appends, for Marketing
January 18, 2017 • Carolyn Nye
Marketing professionals often ask me about email and data appends. Both can help grow new email subscribers and improve the information about existing ones. In this article, I’ll describe how ...
Email Marketing
4 Ways to Jumpstart Email Marketing for 2017
December 18, 2016 • Carolyn Nye
The new year brings much-needed breathing time to address email marketing strategies. In this post, I’ll explore email marketing trends and offer four suggestions for email strategy for 2017. 1. Nurture New Subscribers During ...
Email Marketing
5 Email Marketing Errors to Avoid This Holiday Season
November 21, 2016 • Carolyn Nye
Email marketing is crucial for most ecommerce retailers during the all-important holiday shopping season. But misuse of email can irritate subscribers. It can spur unsubscribes and greatly reduce the overall ...
Email Marketing
Google ‘Email Markup’ Helps Transactional Emails Stand Out
October 28, 2016 • Armando Roggio
An informed customer is often a happy customer. Online shoppers expect to hear from merchants when an order is received and shipped. And most merchants dutifully send adequate order confirmation ...
Email Marketing
4 Ways to Beef Up an Email Subscriber List
October 18, 2016 • Carolyn Nye
One of the largest assets of an ecommerce company is its email subscriber file. In that database is likely a mix of past and current customers, brand advocates, and prospects. An ...
Email Marketing
Understanding Email Anti-spam Laws in U.S., Canada, E.U.
October 18, 2016 • John Di Giacomo
Most ecommerce merchants understand the value of keeping a list of customers’ email addresses. By keeping such a list, merchants can send targeted, relevant offers to their clients, which can increase revenue and,
Email Marketing
6 Ecommerce Email Marketing Campaigns for Q4 2016
September 28, 2016 • Armando Roggio
Powerful retail holidays — Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas — dominate the fourth quarter and should be the focus of ecommerce email marketing. Email volume increases significantly in the last quarter of ...
Email Marketing
5 Email Pre-header Tips that Boost Open Rates
September 20, 2016 • Carolyn Nye
The sender name and subject line are primary drivers of email open rates. Almost as important — if not more important — is the pre-header, the text that appears just ...
Email Marketing
What to Include in Automated Emails, for Ecommerce
August 23, 2016 • Pamela Hazelton
Business owners typically despise chain emails. We delete most “template” emails — such as pitching services — within seconds. When it comes to ecommerce, though, stock messages can help increase sales. Yes,
Email Marketing
4 Email Marketing Tips for the Holidays
August 18, 2016 • Carolyn Nye
The holidays start early for ecommerce retailers. Planning for a successful holiday season typically starts in the summer. In this article, I’ll explore four tips for ecommerce merchants to help ...
Email Marketing
How to Think Like an Email Spammer
August 15, 2016 • Armando Roggio
Sending folks useless or unwanted emails may seem intuitive. But if you really want to infuriate and violate, you’ll need a plan. And remember, only a tiny percentage of the ...
Email Marketing
4 Ways Email Can Drive Other Marketing Channels
July 20, 2016 • Carolyn Nye
For ecommerce merchants, email has been a cost-effective marketing vehicle for years. Merchants typically consider email as a standalone marketing tool. But email can improve other marketing channels, as well. In ...
Email Marketing
Order Confirmation Emails Can Build Loyalty, Sell More
July 18, 2016 • Armando Roggio
Shoppers love order confirmation emails. They open them repeatedly, click on links, and give them priority in the inbox. In fact, confirmation emails may help online retailers to earn trust ...
Email Marketing
6 Ecommerce Email Marketing Campaigns for Q3 2016
June 26, 2016 • Armando Roggio
Email marketing campaigns around holidays and seasons can help to drive ecommerce sales in the third quarter of 2016. Email marketing remains one of the most potent tools available to online ...
Email Marketing
Using Email to Acquire New Customers
June 19, 2016 • Carolyn Nye
Finding new prospects for an ecommerce business and getting them to convert into actual customers can be difficult. A steady stream of new customers is critical, typically, to grow a ...
Email Marketing
Email Marketing: Tips for Preheaders, Emojis
May 13, 2016 • Carolyn Nye
Email subject lines are key to capturing a reader’s attention and standing out from inbox clutter. But email preheaders may be just as important, since most recipients now open emails ...
Email Marketing
4 Email-marketing Tips to Drive (More) Sales
April 18, 2016 • Carolyn Nye
There are many ways to increase the effectiveness of email marketing, from testing subject lines and creative to increasing frequency and discounts. In this article, I will review four ways to ...
Email Marketing
Pros, Cons of Email Preference Centers
March 15, 2016 • Carolyn Nye
Years ago, email preference centers popped up on all kinds of websites. Preference centers were an effort to curb email unsubscribes and to protect a core digital asset: the email ...
Email Marketing
6 Ecommerce Email Marketing Campaigns for Q2 2016
March 14, 2016 • Armando Roggio
The months of April, May, and June are full of email marketing possibilities centered on traditional retail events like April Fools’ Day, Mother’s Day, and the beginning of summer. In the ...
Email Marketing
Best Way to Grow Your Email List: Ask Politely
February 24, 2016 • Charles Gaiennie
Remember when your mom told you how important it was for you to always say please and thank you? Who knew that she was really giving you marketing advice on one of the principal tenants of building your email contact list: asking and then being grateful.
Email Marketing
3 Email Marketing Metrics for Mobile, Multi-device Consumers
February 17, 2016 • Carolyn Nye
Email metrics provide critical, quick feedback for a campaign. This is key because most opens and clicks occur within 72 hours after a send. But measuring opens and clicks is often ...
Email Marketing
5 Email Marketing Best Practices, for 2016
February 16, 2016 • Phil Frost
Despite years of hype claiming that email is dead, it remains a highly valuable resource for small business owners. In fact, according to a 2015 survey by, 73 percent of marketers claim that email marketing is core to their business.
Email Marketing
3 Email-marketing Fundamentals, for Success
February 15, 2016 • Armando Roggio
Purposeful, content-rich email marketing can produce a return on investment many times greater than traditional advertising, online banners, and even pay-per-click ads. Marketers and business owners who master email marketing ...
Email Marketing
Email: Main Street Marketing Tool of Choice
February 10, 2016 • Charles Gaiennie
Email marketing is a mainstay for Main Street businesses. It is the perfect tool for such a scrappy group as you who must be resourceful while creatively growing your company.
Email Marketing
4 Ways to Invest in Email Marketing, for 2016
January 18, 2016 • Carolyn Nye
Marketers have heard for years that email is dead. However, just the opposite is true. The importance of email has never been greater, and there is still no better way ...
Email Marketing
19 Free Email-marketing Tools, to Improve Results
January 10, 2016 • Sig Ueland
Email marketing continues to be an effective way to reach customers and prospects. And there are a variety of free online tools available to help you enhance your email campaigns. Here is ...
Email Marketing
6 Ecommerce Email Marketing Campaigns for Q1 2016
January 8, 2016 • Armando Roggio
From a January inventory reduction sale to Easter Sunday, there are at least six good opportunities for online sellers to send meaningful and (hopefully) effective marketing emails in the first ...
Email Marketing
3 Ways to Increase Email Clicks, for Ecommerce
December 16, 2015 • Carolyn Nye
A marketing email from an ecommerce merchant will often result in a sale if the recipient clicks to the merchant’s website. But behavior patterns of email recipients are changing dramatically due ...