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Edwin Perkins Needed a Shippable ProductDecember 31, 2018Armando Roggio

14 New Business Books for 2019December 31, 2018Sig Ueland

Building an Ecommerce Business, Part 9: YouTube StrategyDecember 30, 2018Eric Bandholz

4 Sales Lessons for SEO Link-buildingDecember 28, 2018Armando Roggio

2018 Top 25: Our Most Popular Posts of the YearDecember 27, 2018PEC Staff

10 Outstanding Digital Marketing Campaigns from 2018December 26, 2018Sig Ueland

Fine-tune Google Analytics for a More Profitable 2019December 24, 2018Pamela Hazelton

The Impact of California Prop 65 on EcommerceDecember 23, 2018Armando Roggio

Most Google Search Results Now Come from Mobile IndexDecember 21, 2018Jill Kocher Brown

Ecommerce Briefs: Walmart vs. Jet, FedEx and DHL Enhancements, Product ReturnsDecember 20, 2018Marcia Kaplan

The Key Requirement of Content MarketingDecember 19, 2018Armando Roggio

What Is Your ‘Queen Bee Role’?December 19, 2018Cyndi Thomason

Black Friday bargains? Not from my businessDecember 18, 2018Elizabeth Hollingsworth

Email Marketing: 2018 DevelopmentsDecember 18, 2018Carolyn Nye

Ecommerce Product Releases: December 17, 2018December 17, 2018Sig Ueland

SEO in 2019 Is More Than Blue Text LinksDecember 17, 2018Jill Kocher Brown

How to Choose Topics for an SEO Cluster StrategyDecember 14, 2018Armando Roggio

Will Amazon’s Private Labels Squeeze Out Smaller Brands?December 13, 2018Marcia Kaplan

Building an Ecommerce Business, Part 8: Customer ServiceDecember 12, 2018Eric Bandholz

To Analyze Data, First Form an ObjectiveDecember 11, 2018Anna Kayfitz

Shopper’s Journey: Lessons from a Gift SearchDecember 11, 2018Marcia Yudkin

10 New Social Networks for 2019December 10, 2018Sig Ueland

6 SEO Myths about Alt TagsDecember 10, 2018Jill Kocher Brown

Use HTML Caching to Increase Page SpeedDecember 9, 2018Hamlet Batista

7 Conversion Snafus That Kill Ecommerce SalesDecember 7, 2018Pamela Hazelton

Google Ads: ‘Exact Match’ Keeps Getting Less ExactDecember 6, 2018Robert Brady

16 Inventory Sources for Fashion RetailersDecember 5, 2018Viktoria Kanevsky

5 Content Marketing Ideas for January 2019December 5, 2018Armando Roggio

What to do now for 2019 holiday salesDecember 4, 2018Richard Stubbings

Why we changed our returns policyDecember 4, 2018Peter Keller

3 Ways to Narrow the Mobile Commerce GapDecember 3, 2018Charles Nicholls

21 Free Web Design Tools from Fall 2018December 3, 2018Sig Ueland

Ecommerce Product Releases: December 2, 2018December 2, 2018Sig Ueland

November 2018 Top 10: Our Most Popular PostsNovember 30, 2018PEC Staff

Creating a Content Marketing Strategy for EcommerceNovember 29, 2018Armando Roggio

Sales Report: 2018 Thanksgiving, Black Friday, Cyber MondayNovember 28, 2018Marcia Kaplan

Building an Ecommerce Business, Part 7: Shipping and FulfillmentNovember 28, 2018Eric Bandholz

Success with Google Shopping, Part 4: Tracking SalesNovember 27, 2018David Rothwell

10 Holiday-selling Tips to Boost January RevenueNovember 26, 2018Pamela Hazelton

14 Usability Tools to Optimize Your WebsiteNovember 26, 2018Sig Ueland

I should have used Google Shopping ads soonerNovember 25, 2018Elizabeth Hollingsworth

A Year-round Cash Strategy for Ecommerce SellersNovember 25, 2018Cyndi Thomason

6 Ways to Improve Ecommerce Site SearchNovember 23, 2018Shawn Arnold

SEO: Topic Clusters Improve Rankings, TrafficNovember 21, 2018Armando Roggio

Google Analytics: Use Up-to-date Tags for Optimal ReportingNovember 20, 2018Morgan Jones

SEO: Why Is Metadata Important?November 19, 2018Jill Kocher Brown

20 New Tools from Social Media PlatformsNovember 19, 2018Sig Ueland

Top 10 Email Marketing Metrics for EcommerceNovember 18, 2018Carolyn Nye

Address potential business conflicts during good timesNovember 16, 2018Richard Stubbings

Ecommerce Product Releases: November 16, 2018November 16, 2018Sig Ueland

Building an Ecommerce Business, Part 6: Hiring EmployeesNovember 15, 2018Eric Bandholz

3 Tools to Analyze Content for Marketing, SEONovember 14, 2018Armando Roggio

Alibaba’s 2018 Singles Day: Record Sales, Slower GrowthNovember 14, 2018Marcia Kaplan

Using Regression Analysis to Drive Ecommerce SalesNovember 13, 2018Anna Kayfitz

An Email List Isn’t Just for EmailingNovember 13, 2018Michael Stancil

10 UX and UI Podcasts for MerchantsNovember 12, 2018Sig Ueland

16 Quick and Free Grammar and Usage ResourcesNovember 11, 2018Marcia Yudkin

Using Google Analytics to Compete with AmazonNovember 9, 2018Hamlet Batista

SEO in 15 Minutes a DayNovember 9, 2018Jill Kocher Brown

5 Ecommerce Marketing Trends to Watch in 2019November 8, 2018Armando Roggio

Resellers on Amazon Can Damage a BrandNovember 8, 2018Phil Masiello

5 Simple Ways to Boost ConversionsNovember 7, 2018Pamela Hazelton

20 KPIs to Drive Customer Journey CampaignsNovember 6, 2018Craig Smith

How to Audit Google Analytics Data, for EcommerceNovember 6, 2018Morgan Jones

20 Modern, Clean Ecommerce Sites, for InspirationNovember 5, 2018Sig Ueland

5 Content Marketing Ideas for December 2018November 5, 2018Armando Roggio

8 Content Tips to Drive Organic Search TrafficNovember 4, 2018Jill Kocher Brown

Holiday Social Media Tips for Fashion, Lifestyle MerchantsNovember 2, 2018Viktoria Kanevsky

7 Tried-and-true Free Shipping Promotions to Drive Holiday SalesNovember 1, 2018Armando Roggio

Ecommerce Product Releases: November 1, 2018November 1, 2018Sig Ueland

October 2018 Top 10: Our Most Popular PostsOctober 31, 2018PEC Staff

Building an Ecommerce Business, Part 5: Paid AcquisitionOctober 30, 2018Eric Bandholz

My personal productivity stackOctober 29, 2018Peter Keller

Success with Google Shopping, Part 3: Merchant Center SetupOctober 28, 2018David Rothwell

SEO: 6 Ways to Increase BacklinksOctober 26, 2018Jill Kocher Brown

Skeptical about B2B Ecommerce? Try a Proof of ConceptOctober 25, 2018Lori McDonald

Ecommerce Merchants Embrace Clicks-to-bricksOctober 25, 2018Marcia Kaplan

6 Holiday Ecommerce Shipping Mistakes to AvoidOctober 24, 2018Armando Roggio

22 Cloud Storage SitesOctober 24, 2018Gagan Mehra

8 Ways to Increase Conversions from Mobile UsersOctober 23, 2018Pamela Hazelton

Guidelines for Data Cleaning, to Drive PerformanceOctober 23, 2018Anna Kayfitz

Use Facebook Groups to Promote Your Ecommerce BusinessOctober 22, 2018Armando Roggio

How to Streamline IRS 1099 FilingsOctober 21, 2018Cyndi Thomason

SEO: Driving Content Strategy with Keyword ResearchOctober 19, 2018Jill Kocher Brown

Workers’ Compensation Basics for Ecommerce, RetailOctober 18, 2018Armando Roggio

Email Segmentation Tips to Drive Opens, Clicks, SalesOctober 18, 2018Carolyn Nye

Building an Ecommerce Business, Part 4: Copywriting MattersOctober 17, 2018Eric Bandholz

Ecommerce Product Releases: October 16, 2018October 16, 2018Sig Ueland

2 Prominent Ecommerce Fraud Risks in 2018 Holiday SeasonOctober 16, 2018Armando Roggio

15 Popular Videos from Brands, to InspireOctober 15, 2018Sig Ueland

SEO: Include Images and Videos in SitemapsOctober 15, 2018Armando Roggio

Luxury Ecommerce Merchant Farfetch Goes PublicOctober 14, 2018Marcia Kaplan

5 Ways to Land Your Company in the NewsOctober 13, 2018Marcia Yudkin

7 Tips to Optimize Content for Search EnginesOctober 12, 2018Jill Kocher Brown

Using Google Analytics to Track On-site PromotionsOctober 11, 2018Morgan Jones

Nonstop change is a certainty for ecommerceOctober 10, 2018Richard Stubbings

Building an Ecommerce Business, Part 3: Early DaysOctober 9, 2018Eric Bandholz

Faceted Search and Navigation Are Critical for ConversionsOctober 9, 2018Pamela Hazelton

4 Myths about Amazon’s Private Label BrandsOctober 8, 2018Phil Masiello

11 YouTube Channels for Digital MarketingOctober 8, 2018Sig Ueland

4 Steps to Better SEO in 2019October 7, 2018Jill Kocher Brown

5 Content Marketing Ideas for November 2018October 5, 2018Armando Roggio

Holiday Marketing for Fashion and Lifestyle MerchantsOctober 4, 2018Viktoria Kanevsky

Need More Conversions? Improve the Customer JourneyOctober 4, 2018Craig Smith

SEO: Understanding Sitemaps for Ecommerce StoresOctober 3, 2018Armando Roggio

The pain of relaunching my websiteOctober 2, 2018Elizabeth Hollingsworth

Ecommerce Product Releases: October 2, 2018October 2, 2018Sig Ueland

Hiring for ecommerce, then and nowOctober 2, 2018Peter Keller

September 2018 Top 10: Our Most Popular PostsOctober 1, 2018PEC Staff

Technical SEO: 15 Critical Areas That Impact PerformanceSeptember 30, 2018Jill Kocher Brown

Change Organic Search Snippets to Drive Motivated BuyersSeptember 28, 2018Hamlet Batista

9 Ways to Promote Your Marketing ContentSeptember 27, 2018Armando Roggio

Blockchain Vendors with Solutions for EcommerceSeptember 27, 2018Gagan Mehra

Ecommerce Briefs: Casper, PayPal Options, Amazon AdsSeptember 26, 2018Marcia Kaplan

Building an Ecommerce Business, Part 2: Selecting PlatformsSeptember 26, 2018Eric Bandholz

SEO: Use ‘Niche Down’ Keyword Research for Content IdeasSeptember 25, 2018Armando Roggio

The Right Way to Offer Product Comparison ToolsSeptember 25, 2018Pamela Hazelton

12 New Ecommerce Books for Fall 2018September 24, 2018Sig Ueland

2018 Holiday Ecommerce Marketing ChecklistSeptember 24, 2018Armando Roggio

SEO: 2 Ways to Collect Competitive Ranking DataSeptember 23, 2018Jill Kocher Brown

A Simple Method for Tracking B2B Ecommerce PerformanceSeptember 21, 2018Shawn Arnold

4 Steps to Ecommerce ProfitabilitySeptember 20, 2018Cyndi Thomason

Indian Grocery Sector Embraces EcommerceSeptember 20, 2018Manish Dudharejia

Content Marketing Reaches Baby BoomersSeptember 19, 2018Armando Roggio

6 Ways to Re-engage Dormant Email SubscribersSeptember 19, 2018Carolyn Nye

3 Tips for Hiring (or Not) a Social Media MarketerSeptember 18, 2018Michael Stancil

Building an Ecommerce Business, Part 1: Choosing PartnersSeptember 18, 2018Eric Bandholz

Ecommerce Product Releases: September 17, 2018September 17, 2018Sig Ueland

Success with Google Shopping, Part 2: Merchant Center BasicsSeptember 17, 2018David Rothwell

SEO: Building a 301 Redirect StrategySeptember 16, 2018Jill Kocher Brown

22 Free Web Design Tools from Summer 2018September 14, 2018Sig Ueland

4 Predictions for 2018 Holiday Shopping SeasonSeptember 13, 2018Armando Roggio

8 Successful Ecommerce Startups Founded by FemalesSeptember 13, 2018Marcia Kaplan

B2B Ecommerce: Managing Product Data SheetsSeptember 12, 2018Lori McDonald

Accessing Amazon’s and eBay’s delivery servicesSeptember 12, 2018Richard Stubbings

Teaching sales and marketing with Girl Scout cookiesSeptember 11, 2018Peter Keller

5 Tips for Merging B2B Customer Data into B2CSeptember 11, 2018Anna Kayfitz

5 Ways Local Brick-and-mortar Retailers Can Earn More Profit in 2019September 10, 2018Armando Roggio

Product Descriptions: 17 Fresh Writing AnglesSeptember 9, 2018Marcia Yudkin

SEO: Retaining Performance on Site MigrationsSeptember 7, 2018Jill Kocher Brown

4 Checkout Elements That Reduce Cart AbandonmentSeptember 6, 2018Pamela Hazelton

Google Ads Expands Headlines, Descriptions, CharactersSeptember 5, 2018Robert Brady

Fashion Merchants Can Build a Business around Social MediaSeptember 5, 2018Viktoria Kanevsky

5 Content Marketing Ideas for October 2018September 4, 2018Armando Roggio

14 Inbound Marketing Blogs to FollowSeptember 4, 2018Sig Ueland

Use Google Analytics to Fine-tune Your Value PropositionSeptember 3, 2018Morgan Jones

Ecommerce Product Releases: September 2, 2018September 2, 2018Sig Ueland

August 2018 Top 10: Our Most Popular PostsAugust 31, 2018PEC Staff

SEO Is the Center of Ecommerce MarketingAugust 31, 2018Jill Kocher Brown

Success with Google Shopping, Part 1: Getting StartedAugust 30, 2018David Rothwell

Should Merchants Sell on Social Platforms?August 29, 2018Marcia Kaplan

4 KPIs to Improve Results from Amazon AdsAugust 29, 2018Phil Masiello

Analyzing Page Speed for Visitors with Slow ConnectionsAugust 28, 2018Hamlet Batista

5 Tips for Better Content Marketing in 2019August 28, 2018Armando Roggio

5 common communication errors with shoppersAugust 27, 2018Richard Stubbings

All Products with Photos Have a Place on PinterestAugust 26, 2018Michael Stancil

11 Essential Tasks of an SEO AgencyAugust 24, 2018Jill Kocher Brown

The Key to Effective Guest Posting (for SEO)August 23, 2018Armando Roggio

14 A.I.-powered Apps for Personalization, Higher ConversionsAugust 22, 2018Gagan Mehra

Persistent Shopping Carts Drive Conversions, Recover AbandonsAugust 21, 2018Pamela Hazelton

Mine Competitors for Top KeywordsAugust 21, 2018Armando Roggio

SEO Is Way More Than MetadataAugust 19, 2018Jill Kocher Brown

Account Takeover Fraud a Growing Problem for EcommerceAugust 17, 2018Armando Roggio

4 Key Factors That Impact Email DeliverabilityAugust 16, 2018Carolyn Nye

Does Dual-class Stock Hurt Independent Investors?August 16, 2018Marcia Kaplan

Ecommerce Product Releases: August 15, 2018August 15, 2018Sig Ueland

Reading List: Mohammed Ali, Founder of PrimasellerAugust 15, 2018PEC Staff

Event management contest helps students (and my business)August 14, 2018Elizabeth Hollingsworth

SEO Broken Link Building as a Content Marketing StrategyAugust 14, 2018Armando Roggio

Moz Founder Rand Fishkin on New Book, New CompanyAugust 13, 2018Kerry Murdock

9 Tools to Sell Products on InstagramAugust 13, 2018Sig Ueland

3 Tips for Selling Products Online in IndiaAugust 12, 2018Manish Dudharejia

Case Study: Data Analysis Increases Profit for ManufacturerAugust 9, 2018Anna Kayfitz

6 Misconceptions about Negative ReviewsAugust 8, 2018Marcia Yudkin

Lessons from Ikea’s negative reviewsAugust 8, 2018Richard Stubbings

Little-known Holidays Can Boost Traffic and SalesAugust 7, 2018Pamela Hazelton

3 Mistakes to Avoid on the Google Display NetworkAugust 7, 2018Robert Brady

5 Content Marketing Ideas for September 2018August 6, 2018Armando Roggio

The ‘why’ of my companyAugust 5, 2018Peter Keller

SEO: 7 Reasons Your Site’s Indexation Is DownAugust 3, 2018Jill Kocher Brown

Ecommerce Product Releases: August 2, 2018August 2, 2018Sig Ueland

Why Wall Street Loves Amazon, Not FacebookAugust 2, 2018Marcia Kaplan

Growing a Business on Amazon — and BeyondAugust 1, 2018Phil Masiello

July 2018 Top 10: Our Most Popular PostsJuly 31, 2018PEC Staff

Low-cost Content Marketing for Fashion MerchantsJuly 31, 2018Viktoria Kanevsky

Google Analytics: Dissecting Bounce Rates for EcommerceJuly 30, 2018Morgan Jones

Instagram: The Ad Channel Your Parents Aren’t On (Yet)July 29, 2018Michael Stancil

Search Console Is the Gateway to Google’s SEO DataJuly 27, 2018Jill Kocher Brown

4 Expectations of B2B Ecommerce CustomersJuly 26, 2018Shawn Arnold

How the Trade War Affects Ecommerce and the U.S. EconomyJuly 25, 2018Marcia Kaplan

DHL Executive on International Selling, LogisticsJuly 25, 2018Kerry Murdock

27 Free Animation Tools for DesignJuly 23, 2018Sig Ueland

58 Leading Online Marketplaces WorldwideJuly 23, 2018Gagan Mehra

5 Things to Consider When Using PopoversJuly 22, 2018Pamela Hazelton

Amazon’s 2018 Prime Day Sets Record Despite GlitchesJuly 19, 2018Marcia Kaplan

One Click Retail Exec on Amazon’s Private Label BrandsJuly 19, 2018Armando Roggio

3 Tools for Cleaning Email Addresses, to Improve DeliverabilityJuly 18, 2018Carolyn Nye

SEO Link Building Tactics for Ecommerce BusinessesJuly 17, 2018Armando Roggio

Ecommerce Product Releases: July 17, 2018July 17, 2018Sig Ueland

3 Reasons Why B2B Ecommerce Projects FailJuly 16, 2018Lori McDonald

7 Apps and Readers for Mobile Credit Card ProcessingJuly 16, 2018Sig Ueland

Cash on Delivery Dominates Indian EcommerceJuly 13, 2018Manish Dudharejia

Using Amazon to wind down a retail businessJuly 13, 2018Richard Stubbings

15 Common Mistakes of Fashion and Lifestyle MerchantsJuly 12, 2018Viktoria Kanevsky

Getting Started with Marketing Automation (for Ecommerce)July 11, 2018Anna Kayfitz

Looking to Sell Your Business? Here’s What Buyers SeekJuly 11, 2018Adam Lean

How to Attract Clicks on a Search Engine Results PageJuly 10, 2018Armando Roggio

7 Ways to Address Concerns of Online ShoppersJuly 10, 2018Marcia Yudkin

SEO: Shaving Seconds Off Page SpeedJuly 9, 2018Jill Kocher Brown

Creating (Free) A/B Tests in Google OptimizeJuly 9, 2018Morgan Jones

5 Ways to Focus on Product Benefits for Increased ConversionsJuly 6, 2018Pamela Hazelton

4 ecommerce-related businesses to start right nowJuly 5, 2018Peter Keller

See Competitors’ Ads on Facebook and TwitterJuly 4, 2018Robert Brady

SEO: How to Drive Traffic to a New Ecommerce SiteJuly 3, 2018Hamlet Batista

5 Content Marketing Ideas for August 2018July 3, 2018Armando Roggio

Ecommerce Product Releases: July 2, 2018July 2, 2018Sig Ueland

Are Amazon’s Private Label Brands a Trend for Other Merchants?July 2, 2018Armando Roggio

12 New Ecommerce Books for Summer 2018July 1, 2018Sig Ueland

June 2018 Top 10: Our Most Popular PostsJune 30, 2018PEC Staff

9 Ways to Break Your SEO Writer’s BlockJune 29, 2018Jill Kocher Brown

Google’s Smart Campaigns May Help Small Brick-and-click RetailersJune 28, 2018Armando Roggio

Sales Tax Pro on Impact of Supreme Court’s Wayfair DecisionJune 28, 2018Kerry Murdock

How to sell alcohol online in Russia (or not)June 27, 2018Maksim Komonov

Reading List: Al Keck, Founder of Infinity NationJune 27, 2018PEC Staff

Protecting Your Store from Cross-site Scripting AttacksJune 26, 2018Eric Davis

SEO: How to Win against Giant CompetitorsJune 26, 2018Hamlet Batista

7 Lessons from Confucius for Ecommerce BusinessesJune 25, 2018Armando Roggio

17 Resources for GDPR ComplianceJune 25, 2018Sig Ueland

Lessons Learned: $15,000 Name Boosts SpyGuy.comJune 24, 2018Jennifer D. Meacham

SEO: Google Changes Keyword Planner for the WorseJune 22, 2018Jill Kocher Brown

3 Reminders about Online Payment Fraud in 2018June 22, 2018Armando Roggio

8 Trust-building Tactics to Boost Ecommerce ConversionsJune 21, 2018Pamela Hazelton

How to Migrate Data in an Ecommerce ReplatformJune 20, 2018Anna Kayfitz

Chinese Consumers Are Eager to Buy Foreign GoodsJune 20, 2018Marcia Kaplan

The Real Benefit of Amazon ReviewsJune 19, 2018Phil Masiello

10 Numbers Every Ecommerce Business Must TrackJune 19, 2018Adam Lean

22 Free Web Design Tools from Spring 2018June 18, 2018Sig Ueland

What to Include in Ecommerce Emails to Drive PerformanceJune 18, 2018Carolyn Nye

Ecommerce Product Releases: June 17, 2018June 17, 2018Sig Ueland

SEO: Harnessing Facets to Drive the Meaty TorsoJune 15, 2018Jill Kocher Brown

How to Land a Great Ecommerce JobJune 15, 2018Armando Roggio

Do-it-yourself Instagram Guide for Lifestyle BrandsJune 14, 2018Viktoria Kanevsky

What not to sell on an ecommerce siteJune 14, 2018Richard Stubbings

Africa: An Emerging Ecommerce Market with Many ChallengesJune 13, 2018Marcia Kaplan

How to (Clearly) Explain Shipping and Return PoliciesJune 13, 2018Marcia Yudkin

70 Leading Retailers’ Lighthouse Scores RevealedJune 12, 2018Armando Roggio

SEO: Driving Cross-functional ProjectsJune 12, 2018Jill Kocher Brown

15 Tools for AnimationJune 11, 2018Sig Ueland

What the Walmart-Flipkart Deal Means for IndiaJune 11, 2018Manish Dudharejia

How to Find (Great) Ecommerce EmployeesJune 10, 2018Armando Roggio

Tips to Track Content Marketing PerformanceJune 8, 2018Anna Kayfitz

8 Approaches to B2B Dealer LocatorsJune 7, 2018Lori McDonald

Answer 6 Questions on an Ecommerce ‘About’ PageJune 6, 2018Pamela Hazelton

Retailers (including Amazon) Crack Down on Return FraudJune 6, 2018Marcia Kaplan

Magento sold, againJune 5, 2018Richard Stubbings

Report: Internet Trends Favor Amazon, Mobile, SocialJune 5, 2018Robert Brady

5 Content Marketing Ideas for July 2018June 4, 2018Armando Roggio

9 Free AMP Templates for BusinessesJune 4, 2018Sig Ueland

SEO: 3 Paths to Crawlable JavaScriptJune 3, 2018Jill Kocher Brown

Use Google Analytics, Data Studio to Plan InventoryJune 1, 2018Morgan Jones

May 2018 Top 10: Our Most Popular PostsMay 31, 2018PEC Staff

Ecommerce Product Releases: May 31, 2018May 31, 2018Sig Ueland

The elements of a (successful) ecommerce strategyMay 30, 2018David Sasson

Strategies for Discontinued Inventory PagesMay 30, 2018Armando Roggio

10 ways to offer shoppers a discountMay 29, 2018Elizabeth Hollingsworth

9 Tips to Manage Out-of-stock InventoryMay 28, 2018Armando Roggio

Navigating Changes to Facebook AdsMay 27, 2018Michael Stancil

SEO: No, Google Does Not Support Newer JavaScriptMay 25, 2018Jill Kocher Brown

Custom Apparel Business Overthinks a Routine ProblemMay 25, 2018Armando Roggio

Beardbrand Founder on Moving Away from AmazonMay 24, 2018Kerry Murdock

Despite the GDPR, Cookies Are Vital to EcommerceMay 23, 2018Eric Davis

Ecommerce Briefs: Walmart Wins Flipkart; Amazon Expands Prime; Target Beefs UpMay 23, 2018Marcia Kaplan

6 Alternatives to Customer Reviews (to Sell Products)May 22, 2018Pamela Hazelton

Drowning in Data? Consider a Business Intelligence ToolMay 21, 2018Anna Kayfitz

Consumers Search by Voice. Do You Listen?May 20, 2018Jill Kocher Brown

5 Ways to Make a Good Email GreatMay 18, 2018Carolyn Nye

Has Amazon altered A-Z claims process to help sellers?May 17, 2018Richard Stubbings

Is Text Messaging a Game-changer for Ecommerce?May 17, 2018Armando Roggio

Reading List: Steven Cook, President of VoltageMay 16, 2018PEC Staff

Ecommerce Product Releases: May 16, 2018May 16, 2018Sig Ueland

New Google Analytics Settings Reflect GDPR RequirementsMay 15, 2018Morgan Jones

Internet Attorney on GDPR Compliance for EcommerceMay 15, 2018Pamela Hazelton

12 Innovative Mobile Payment AppsMay 14, 2018Sig Ueland

Overlooked Ways to Encourage Repeat BusinessMay 13, 2018Marcia Yudkin

Google Lens Ups the Ante on Image SearchMay 11, 2018Jill Kocher Brown

Offline Sales Tips for Online MerchantsMay 10, 2018Curtis McHale

Amazon Has Superlative First Quarter, Raises Prime FeeMay 10, 2018Marcia Kaplan

Lessons Learned: Hollywood Mirrors Has a Good ProblemMay 9, 2018Jennifer D. Meacham

Google Lighthouse: Monitor Site Performance, SEO, AccessibilityMay 8, 2018Armando Roggio

Getting Started with A/B Tests (to Drive Sales)May 8, 2018Anna Kayfitz

Social Proof Is the Most Important Factor in SellingMay 7, 2018Pamela Hazelton

5 Content Marketing Ideas for June 2018May 6, 2018Armando Roggio

The Six Simple Principles of Viral MarketingMay 5, 2018Dr. Ralph F. Wilson

301 Redirects May Save Your SEOMay 4, 2018Jill Kocher Brown

18 Mother’s Day Marketing Ideas for Lifestyle and Fashion MerchantsMay 4, 2018Viktoria Kanevsky

Why sell barbells?May 3, 2018Peter Keller

Net Promoter Score Is the Best KPI for Ecommerce GrowthMay 3, 2018Armando Roggio

WompMobile CEO on PWAs and AMPsMay 2, 2018Armando Roggio

Ecommerce Product Releases: May 1, 2018May 1, 2018Sig Ueland

AdWords Smart Bidding: Dos and Don’tsMay 1, 2018Robert Brady

April 2018 Top 10: Our Most Popular PostsApril 30, 2018PEC Staff

Pointers on Backing Up Ecommerce DataApril 29, 2018Eric Davis

SEO: Managing Modern Algorithm UpdatesApril 27, 2018Jill Kocher Brown

Ecommerce Merchants Embrace Brick-and-mortarApril 26, 2018Marcia Kaplan

Merging 2 ecommerce sitesApril 25, 2018Elizabeth Hollingsworth

Former Amazon Exec on Maintaining Brand ControlApril 25, 2018Armando Roggio

Does WooCommerce Fit B2B Companies?April 24, 2018Lori McDonald

9 Ways to Appeal to Millennial ShoppersApril 24, 2018Pamela Hazelton

Europe-based merchant accesses GDPRApril 23, 2018Richard Stubbings

16 Tools for Website AccessibilityApril 23, 2018Sig Ueland

How to Implement SEO Tactics in Large CompaniesApril 22, 2018Jill Kocher Brown

5 Product Page Differentiators for 2018April 20, 2018Armando Roggio

Getting Reacquainted with LinkedIn AdsApril 19, 2018Michael Stancil

5 Ways to Increase Sales at Checkout for a WooCommerce StoreApril 19, 2018Curtis McHale

How to Optimize Mobile Search for Voice, Barcodes, and ImagesApril 18, 2018Hamlet Batista

Ecommerce Product Releases: April 17, 2018April 17, 2018Sig Ueland

Upgrading an AdWords Landing Page ExperienceApril 17, 2018Armando Roggio

How to convert Amazon buyers to your customers (without breaking the rules)April 16, 2018Phil Masiello

13 Ways to Kill Organic Search TrafficApril 15, 2018Jill Kocher Brown

15 Essential Elements of Every Marketing EmailApril 13, 2018Carolyn Nye

7 Key Details to Enhance an Ecommerce BlogApril 12, 2018Marcia Yudkin

How to Write Text Ads in AdWords, for EcommerceApril 12, 2018Armando Roggio

Ecommerce Briefs: Walmart, Amazon Vie for Flipkart; Etsy and Adidas RefocusApril 11, 2018Marcia Kaplan

Does Facebook’s Data Debacle Impact Advertisers?April 11, 2018Michael Stancil

Lessons Learned: Battic Door Thrives in Energy ConservationApril 10, 2018Jennifer D. Meacham

How to Create Video Ads That SellApril 9, 2018Armando Roggio

11 Free WordPress Ecommerce Themes for 2018April 9, 2018Sig Ueland

16 Must-have Features for Live Chat ImplementationApril 8, 2018Pamela Hazelton

Spy on Competitors to Improve Products and PromotionsApril 6, 2018Anna Kayfitz

5 Content Marketing Ideas for May 2018April 5, 2018Armando Roggio

Getting Started with Google Tag Manager, for EcommerceApril 4, 2018Morgan Jones

Pros and cons of meeting with suppliersApril 4, 2018Peter Keller

Facebook’s Data Scandal Affects Ecommerce CompaniesApril 3, 2018Robert Brady

How to Supercharge Product Reviews on WooCommerceApril 3, 2018Curtis McHale

20 Helpful Alexa Skills for MerchantsApril 2, 2018Sig Ueland

The Next Generation of Ecommerce ManagementApril 2, 2018Armando Roggio

Ecommerce Product Releases: April 1, 2018April 1, 2018Sig Ueland

March 2018 Top 10: Our Most Popular PostsMarch 30, 2018PEC Staff

6 Spring Cleaning Tips for SEOMarch 30, 2018Jill Kocher Brown

Are PWAs the Future of Mobile Commerce?March 29, 2018Armando Roggio

ICOs Are the Newest Form of Alternative FundingMarch 28, 2018Marcia Kaplan

Reading List: Roxanne Abercrombie with WhosonMarch 28, 2018PEC Staff

3 Ways Customer Data Drives Ecommerce ConversionsMarch 27, 2018Anna Kayfitz

Newsletter frustrations result in new target audienceMarch 27, 2018Elizabeth Hollingsworth

Yandex.Market, in new joint venture, seeks non-Russian sellersMarch 27, 2018Maksim Komonov

3-part Plan to Minimize the Impact of Site OutagesMarch 26, 2018Eric Davis

17 Amazon Seller Tools to Find Profitable ProductsMarch 25, 2018Connor Gillivan

High-performing Facebook Ad Placements (in 4 Steps)March 23, 2018Michael Stancil

SEO: Store Locators Good for Bots, Good for ShoppersMarch 23, 2018Jill Kocher Brown

Leverage Micro Conversions to Close SalesMarch 22, 2018Pamela Hazelton

Fulfillment Requirements of Retailer-owned MarketplacesMarch 21, 2018Stephen Bulger

10 Ways That Artificial Intelligence Helps MerchantsMarch 21, 2018Gagan Mehra

How Does Your Email Marketing Program Stack Up?March 20, 2018Carolyn Nye

6 Plugins to Automate a WooCommerce StoreMarch 20, 2018Curtis McHale

11 New Ecommerce Books for Spring 2018March 19, 2018Sig Ueland

For Ecommerce, Better to Use Search Ads or Display?March 19, 2018Armando Roggio

Ecommerce Product Releases: March 18, 2018March 18, 2018Sig Ueland

SEO: 8 Reasons to Stop the Addiction to Keyword DemandMarch 16, 2018Jill Kocher Brown

Gzip Compression Could Make Your Site 90-percent FasterMarch 16, 2018Armando Roggio

Photo Captions (Greatly) Help Ecommerce ConversionsMarch 15, 2018Marcia Yudkin

Costco Finally Embraces EcommerceMarch 15, 2018Marcia Kaplan

6 Impressive B2B Ecommerce SitesMarch 14, 2018Lori McDonald

When Hiring an SEO Pro, Look for These 11 SkillsMarch 14, 2018Jill Kocher Brown

How to Quickly Drop Seconds from a Site’s Load TimeMarch 13, 2018Hamlet Batista

Enable HTTP/2 for Happier Customers, Better SEOMarch 12, 2018Armando Roggio

19 Free Web Design Tools from Winter 2018March 12, 2018Sig Ueland

Target Audiences Can Change (Ask Play-Doh)March 11, 2018Pamela Hazelton

5 Ecommerce SEO Tactics to Try TodayMarch 9, 2018Armando Roggio

For Digital Ads, Minimal Text Converts the BestMarch 9, 2018Michael Stancil

SEO: How to Rank against the HeavyweightsMarch 8, 2018Jill Kocher Brown

Use Google Analytics to Audit PPC TrafficMarch 7, 2018Morgan Jones

Crisis Communications Checklist for Retail BusinessesMarch 7, 2018Armando Roggio

How to Automate Customer RecognitionMarch 6, 2018Curtis McHale

How to Track Overall Marketing Performance for All ChannelsMarch 6, 2018Anna Kayfitz

Entrepreneurs fool themselves about productivityMarch 5, 2018Peter Keller

Content Marketing Can Drive Long-tail SEOMarch 5, 2018Armando Roggio

11 Product Review Plugins for WordPressMarch 5, 2018Sig Ueland

5 Content Marketing Ideas for April 2018March 4, 2018Armando Roggio

4 SEO Requirements for International Ecommerce SitesMarch 2, 2018Jill Kocher Brown

Walmart’s Ecommerce Sales Up 23 Percent in Fourth Quarter 2017March 1, 2018Marcia Kaplan

Ecommerce Product Releases: March 1, 2018March 1, 2018Sig Ueland

Does Your Mobile Site Pass the Thumb Zone Test?March 1, 2018Pamela Hazelton

Step-by-step PPC Testing Strategy for Any AdvertiserFebruary 28, 2018Robert Brady

February 2018 Top 10: Our Most Popular PostsFebruary 28, 2018PEC Staff

Use Status Pages to Evaluate Cloud-based VendorsFebruary 27, 2018Eric Davis

Facebook Product Feed Ads: Not Just for RemarketingFebruary 26, 2018Michael Stancil

SEO Tips for New Ecommerce Sites (and Redesigns)February 26, 2018Jill Kocher Brown

15 Quality Themes for BigCommerceFebruary 25, 2018Sig Ueland

Protect your brand on ecommerce marketplacesFebruary 23, 2018Phil Masiello

What, Exactly, Is Barebones SEO?February 22, 2018Kerry Murdock

Failure to Manage Sales Tax Exemptions Could Cost (Big) MoneyFebruary 22, 2018Shane Ratigan

Abandoned Cart Recovery Is Cheaper Than Marketing to New ClientsFebruary 21, 2018Curtis McHale

A Brief Introduction to Affiliate Marketing for EcommerceFebruary 21, 2018Armando Roggio

Does ‘AMP for Email’ Impact Ecommerce?February 20, 2018Carolyn Nye

15 Popular Themes for ShopifyFebruary 20, 2018Sig Ueland

Comparing KPIs for 2 websites in first year of tradingFebruary 19, 2018Elizabeth Hollingsworth

5 Writing Tools to Improve Grammar, ReadabilityFebruary 19, 2018Marcia Yudkin

Ecommerce Product Releases: February 19, 2018February 19, 2018Sig Ueland

4 payment aggregators to use in RussiaFebruary 18, 2018Maksim Komonov

Staying Ahead of Fake Product ReviewsFebruary 18, 2018Gagan Mehra

Indispensable SEO Tools, from Free to ExpensiveFebruary 16, 2018Jill Kocher Brown

Manage Your Business Blog with a Kanban BoardFebruary 15, 2018Armando Roggio

3 hooks to lure shoppers away from AmazonFebruary 14, 2018Richard Stubbings

Ecommerce Briefs: Alibaba Eyes Kroger; Walmart Partners with RakutenFebruary 14, 2018Marcia Kaplan

4 Ways to Increase Revenue from Organic Search TrafficFebruary 13, 2018Hamlet Batista

Proofreading Pitfalls That Trip Up Even Watchful WordsmithsFebruary 13, 2018Marcia Yudkin

From Retail to Manufacturing, Kanban Improves EfficiencyFebruary 12, 2018Armando Roggio

13 Social Media Plugins for WordPressFebruary 12, 2018Sig Ueland

Which Promotions Perform Best for Your Ecommerce Business?February 11, 2018Anna Kayfitz

HTTPS Is Important for More Reasons Than SEOFebruary 9, 2018Jill Kocher Brown

The State of Social Advertising and TrackingFebruary 9, 2018Michael Stancil

Create Google Docs from a Google SheetFebruary 8, 2018Armando Roggio

Creating Dynamic Ads on FacebookFebruary 7, 2018Robert Brady

Manage Site Search Like It’s 1996February 7, 2018Pamela Hazelton

My experience with product reviewsFebruary 6, 2018Peter Keller

Google Data Studio: Track Sales, ROI from All SourcesFebruary 6, 2018Morgan Jones

Driving B2B Revenue through PersonalizationFebruary 5, 2018Lori McDonald

13 Tools for Responsive Web DesignFebruary 5, 2018Sig Ueland

5 Content Marketing Ideas for March 2018February 4, 2018Armando Roggio

6 Ways Web Developers Can Improve SEOFebruary 2, 2018Jill Kocher Brown

Ecommerce Product Releases: February 1, 2018February 1, 2018Sig Ueland

How to benefit from Amazon adsFebruary 1, 2018Phil Masiello

January 2018 Top 10: Our Most Popular PostsJanuary 31, 2018PEC Staff

Optimizing Checkout Flow in WooCommerceJanuary 31, 2018Curtis McHale

New Electronic Logging Mandate May Increase Shipping CostsJanuary 30, 2018Armando Roggio

11 Amazon Seller Tools to Manage Customer FeedbackJanuary 30, 2018Connor Gillivan

SEO: 8 Ways UX and Design Could Reduce TrafficJanuary 29, 2018Jill Kocher Brown

12 New Social Media Tools for 2018January 29, 2018Sig Ueland

Ecommerce in Nordic Region: Affluent Market, Appetite for Foreign GoodsJanuary 28, 2018Marcia Kaplan

The Rise of Human-free RetailJanuary 26, 2018Gagan Mehra

3 Steps to Minimize Technology Risks for an Ecommerce StoreJanuary 24, 2018Eric Davis

Comparing A/B and Multivariate TestingJanuary 24, 2018Anna Kayfitz

How to Identify Keywords That Signal Shoppers’ IntentJanuary 23, 2018Armando Roggio

Study: Personalized Recommendations Produce 4 Times More ConversionsJanuary 22, 2018Pamela Hazelton

New Sales Tax Law Targets MarketplacesJanuary 21, 2018Shane Ratigan

SEO: Google to Make Mobile Speed a Ranking FactorJanuary 19, 2018Jill Kocher Brown

4 Common Methods to Personalize Email MarketingJanuary 18, 2018Carolyn Nye

What’s the True Value of a Conversion?January 17, 2018Anna Kayfitz

How to Plan for the Death of a Business OwnerJanuary 17, 2018John Di Giacomo

Ecommerce Product Releases: January 16, 2018January 16, 2018Sig Ueland

Use Your ‘About’ Page to Build Trust with First-time VisitorsJanuary 16, 2018Marcia Yudkin

Will Customer Profiles Replace Marketing Personas?January 15, 2018Armando Roggio

13 Innovative Mobile Shopping AppsJanuary 15, 2018Sig Ueland

SEO: How to Identify High Rankings That Produce No ClicksJanuary 14, 2018Hamlet Batista

7 Ways to Integrate Natural and Paid SearchJanuary 12, 2018Jill Kocher Brown

Testing Pay-per-click Ad Copy Requires Human IntuitionJanuary 12, 2018Robert Brady

Facebook, Google, Amazon: Which Ad Channel Is Right for Your Brand?January 11, 2018Kiri Masters

2017 Ecommerce Round-up: 16 Percent Growth; ’Retail Apocalypse’?January 11, 2018Marcia Kaplan

Dissecting Amazon’s new ‘Pay by Invoice’ methodJanuary 10, 2018Richard Stubbings

How to Build an Ecommerce Keyword ListJanuary 9, 2018Armando Roggio

Tips for Selling and Buying on B2B ExchangesJanuary 9, 2018Gagan Mehra

Mobile to Dominate Ecommerce ConversionsJanuary 8, 2018Pamela Hazelton

12 New Business Books for 2018January 8, 2018Sig Ueland

Optimizing Google Search Options for Android AppsJanuary 7, 2018Jill Kocher Brown

Would relocating damage my ecommerce business?January 6, 2018Elizabeth Hollingsworth

5 Russian fulfillment companies for cross-border ecommerceJanuary 5, 2018Maksim Komonov

How to Increase Click-throughs on Organic Search ListingsJanuary 4, 2018Hamlet Batista

Google Analytics: 3 Reports to Customize for EcommerceJanuary 3, 2018Morgan Jones

5 Content Marketing Ideas for February 2018January 3, 2018Armando Roggio

10 Exceptional Digital Marketing Campaigns in 2017January 2, 2018Sig Ueland

Live Streaming Can Promote Ecommerce ProductsJanuary 2, 2018Armando Roggio

Ecommerce Product Releases: January 1, 2018January 1, 2018Sig Ueland